BetterPhoto Q&A: Problems with Images

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  2205 Questions
Last Activity
  uploading photos taken with filters
Hoping somebody has a suggestion......every time I upload a photo I have taken with any kind of soft focus filter, the image appears corrupted. I am getting rid of AOL as soon as broadband is avai...
August 20, 2004
  How to Shoot without Sun Glare
Hi:I'm submitting a few recent shots that show sun glare in the same spots on the lens. Prior to shooting, I'm so careful to avoid doing this. I've even covered the camera to create a...
August 21, 2004
  Lighting for Shooting in Bar?
Need advice urgently! I have just started serious photography. My studio photos come out great, but my first paid official shoot is going to be in a bar. Therefore minimal lights, neons and spotlig...
August 22, 2004
  daylab issue color
I have taken a 6 hours class in using a DayLab. We bought one 1 1/2 years ago, and were on our way to making pictures, so we thought.We have never been able to get thecolor right. The film is so ex...
August 18, 2004
  How to shoot pets without getting glowing eyes.
Every time I take photos of the snow leopards at the zoo, I get glowing eyes. I have to use the flash due to shadowy areas and I'm also shooting thru glass or verticle wires. Would using a fa...
August 19, 2004
  Searching for nikon fm3a
in the name of god that creat a beutifull world.... I want to buy a NIKON FM3A and I need a manual speed of shutter for my camera ...If you have a information about cameras Please help me to buy i...
August 18, 2004
  exposure compensation
Here is the scenario: Ilford 3200 in a Nikon N75 with a red filter attached. The pictures were taken in normal daylight, outdoors, mostly in shaded areas such as near or on porches (3200 was used ...
August 15, 2004
  monitor or software color problems
OK. Here's a fascinating problem, I have my camera (Oly E1 DSLR) set to capture aRGB. When I download my pictures into the Olympus software, the colors are georgeous. Skin tones are pleasing ...
August 14, 2004
  Critique, Please?
This photograph was taken in low-light conditions with a speedlight(strong flash). Is the background/overall picture too dark, and, if it is, how could I fix it? I have photoshop......
August 14, 2004
  Photographing glass/crystal in the studio
I am the photographer for a glass company. I am having difficulty shooting the optical crystal, (these are the pieces that are very clear.) When the light passes through, I lose the definition aro...
August 18, 2004
  How to Fix Flash Caught in Eyeglasses
Could someone help me out here? I'm using Photoshop Elements 2.0. How would I go about reducing the flash in the woman's glasses?...
August 16, 2004
  How to shoot against the glare of ice.
When I take pictures in the arena at a hockey game the pictures are clear but the lighting is always yellow. How can this be illimiated. hope you can help....
August 13, 2004
  light meters, strobe lights and digital camera
I just got my new Canon 10D yesterday, it was a HAPPY HAPPY day! This is my first attempt at digital photography. I set up my lights in my studio, took the light reading and shot away. Some were...
August 10, 2004
  Grainy photos
I recently took my sisters senior pictures and had noticable grain to the point where the face looked blurry on some. (she didn't notice and thinks they look great but perfection is what I'...
August 10, 2004
  What caused this and how can I fix it?
I'm posting this problem in Digital and image problems:I shot 100 images like the following. The images were shot on RAW with a 300D. ISO 100, 1/40, f32. They were taken at sunrise. The sun...
August 09, 2004
  Remove Red Eye in PS Elements 2.0
HELP! I'm trying to learn PS Elements 2.0. So far I'm loving it. But I've been trying to correct red-eye, and although I think I'm doing everything it says, it just isn't workin...
September 15, 2004
  lowlight shooting w/speedlight flash
i shoot people in nightclubs, and while the people are lighted fine, the background inside the club looks like it's daytime!i just got a Speedlight 800 flash, fired in slow sync at -1/3 EV (abi...
September 29, 2004
  Grainy pics when zoom is used
I recently went up in a private plane and I decided to take my equipment up with me. The Problem I had is sometimes when I used my 80-200mm zoom lens (all the way to 200mm) The pics turn out grai...
August 05, 2004
  Changing Lenses with film in camera
Can I change lenses with film in my 35mm camera or will it ruin the remaining film?...
August 05, 2004
  How to Shoot in Aquariums?
Should a flash be used while photographing in an aquarium? I have a Fujifilm S5000 and have tried desperately to get good photos in aquariums. They either come out extremely dark or very blurred, a...
August 10, 2004