Photo Discussion
Category: Constructive Critique

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Spring Beauties Editor's Pick  
Spring Beauties
Spring Beauties
Canon 7D, Canon 100mm 2.8mm IS Macro Lens, f/13, 1/13, ISO 400

Beth Spencer

- Michael Kelly

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Michael Kelly
Michael Kelly's Gallery

Beth in many ways this is a beautiful shot. I love the curve of the flowers, the color, and the BG. The problem I see is that the most prominent flower is not quite in focus due to being above the focal plane where the other three are nice and sharp. You might try going to f22 or so in order to increase the DOF to get them all. I am sure you shot this from a tripod so the increase in shutter speed would not be critical. IF you have live view, check the shot with a DOF preview.

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April 14, 2013


Arthur Bohlmann
  I agree with Michael the main area of focus is off. Nice color and comp

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April 14, 2013


Dale Hardin
  Very nice and pleasing composition, Beth. Do agree with the guys assessment. Although, for a small format image like this, the problem is correctable, but might not work so well if a very large printing.

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April 14, 2013


Stephen Shoff
  Very nice, Beth. Don't think I would have noticed the focus problem.

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April 14, 2013


Kalena Randall
  Very nice, Beth. I love the pov and the composition of this. I look at the other comments and I did notice there is a slight out of focus on the large flower as well as the one of the far left. However, I like it this way. If my eye wanders off to either side, the flow of your composition brings me back to the main area! The colors are beautiful! Great shot!

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April 15, 2013

- Rita K. Connell

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Rita K. Connell
Rita K. Connell's Gallery
  I like how the light of the far left starts you up the flower ladder. this is a great capture, of lines, color and textures. the focus that was spoken of is not a problem for me. great job Beth!

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April 15, 2013


Beth Spencer Editor's Pick  
Spring Beauties
Spring Beauties
Canon 7D, Canon 100mm 2.8IS macro lens, f/6.3, 1/160, ISO 200

Beth Spencer Editor's Pick  
Canon7D, Canon 100mm 2.8IS macro lens, f/5, 1/160, ISO 400

Beth Spencer

Thanks, these are very small flowers, the first wildflowers that seem to come up. It was very windy and sunny. I was using a reflector with black on it to cut the light down. Then I was trying to shoot when the wind died off for a second. I have a few more I think the focus may be better. I got some more today but have not looked at them yet.

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April 16, 2013

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