Barn Tour Transport [America Pictures Pennsylvania]
Uploaded: July 16, 2012 03:51:02
This seemed an appropriate way in which to introduce this year's Audubon-sponsored Bucks County Barn Tour series.
Two of the most magnificent farms of the tour were located adjacent to one another--both tucked deeply away in very rural Northern Bucks County. You'd never SEE these farms if you weren't specifically looking for them.
A local farmer (man in straw hat) volunteered himself and his team of Belgian Draft Horses to transport the barn "tourists" between the Isaac and Asplundh Farms, in Haycock, Pennsylvania.
Exif: F Number: 5.6, Exposure Bias Value: 0.00, ExposureTime: 1/80 seconds, Flash: did not fire, compulsory flash mode, ISO: 125, White balance: Auto white balance, FocalLength: 18.00 mm, Model: Canon EOS 7D
Julie Christiansen July 16, 2012
Cool POV and a fine capture. #1475075Tammy M. Anderson July 16, 2012
Great pov and capture. Sounds like a fun time. #10231223Jack Gaskin July 16, 2012
On the Good Side it's a nice shady trail and only to & back from one Barn. Imagine if you did the entire county that way.Jack #10231254
Debbie Bray July 16, 2012
I love the composition here and the angle, Michelle. It tells a great story with those two people chatting to one another in the foreground, and then your eye runs thru between them to the horses and road up ahead. Lovely scene! #10231312Carolyn M. Fletcher July 16, 2012
Super POV and a great idea! #10231330Tiia Vissak July 16, 2012
a cool capture! #10231365Monnie Ryan July 16, 2012
Perfect perspective - and very well done! Sure looks like fun! #10231418Jeff Robinson July 16, 2012
Outstanding pov/perspective and presentation!! #10231419Agnes Fegan July 16, 2012
Wonderful shot ... can't wait to see more! #10231479Dayna Cain July 16, 2012
Awesome image and I am looking forward to this series. Can't wait! #10231502R. J. Laudenbacher July 16, 2012
Love your POV and your framing on this, Michelle. Wonderful work! #10231511David Phalen July 16, 2012
Excellent POV in a perfect shot to start your barn series!! #10231646Martha R. Mazon July 16, 2012
Wonderful mood, perspective, light and detail in this fine storytelling image, Michelle! #10231697Mike Clime July 16, 2012
Excellent capture and terrific pov, Michelle! #10231893Rony Sagy July 16, 2012
Wonderful capture, Michelle. Love the perspective and detail. These draft horses are amazing, no? My daughter's horse is half draft and half thoroughbred, which makes her a very strong, tall and solid performer. #10231905John Connolly July 16, 2012
A wonderful scene, and I am impressed with your great DOF and lighting! What a blast from the past! #10232127Neal D. Hatcher July 16, 2012
Super capture-Looking forward to your barn posts #10232131Carol L. Fowler July 16, 2012
Wonderful POV- I am sure many beautiful barns were on the route #10232440Lana Arcemont July 16, 2012
Very good POV and capture, Michelle!Ann Coates July 16, 2012
I like your perspective on this one Michelle and the anticipation of what's to come. A terrific capture. #10232617Jeffrey R. Bange July 16, 2012
Awesome capture and POV Michelle, look forward to the series. #10232667Sign up for an interactive online photography course to get critiques on your photos.
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