Barn at Isaac Farm [America Pictures Pennsylvania]
Uploaded: July 17, 2012 03:36:10
The owners of this farm came from Brooklyn, New York fifty years ago. They LOVE living here in very rural Haycock Pennsylvania, and that love is reflected in EVERYTHING on the property.
The couple has meticulously maintained all of the original farm buildings--barn, potting and storage sheds, smoke houses, pergola, and their beautiful rustic home.
The gardens are extraordinary.
The barn is a large bank barn with recessed forebay; the main barn structure is stone. One of the hay mows has been converted to an artist's studio. The barn dates back to 1805.
Exif: F Number: 5.6, Exposure Bias Value: 0.00, ExposureTime: 1/250 seconds, Flash: did not fire, compulsory flash mode, ISO: 125, White balance: Auto white balance, FocalLength: 23.00 mm, Model: Canon EOS 7D
Carolyn M. Fletcher
July 17, 2012
Renee Doyle July 17, 2012
Wonderful capture of this beautiful farm house Michelle!! Wonderful tones and textures!!! Didn't realise you were so close to DC - would of been great to catch up ..... #10232946
Ken Smith
July 17, 2012
Gord MacEachern July 17, 2012
Fantastic rural capture Michelle, very well done!! #10232978Jack Gaskin July 17, 2012
Great peace of history in this one . Wonderful catchJack #10232980
Stefania Barbier
July 17, 2012
Shirley Sicurello
July 17, 2012
Lorraine A. Cook July 17, 2012
So glad to see the barn has been maintained in its 'original' condition...BEAUTIFUL POV, Michelle!!<:))A lovely 'slice' of history, My Friend!!<:)) #10233060
JO ANN CLEVELAND July 17, 2012
How interesting certainly presented it beautifully! Hope you gave them a picture of it too! Excdellent!jo annc. #10233152
Monnie Ryan July 17, 2012
Beautiful place - it must take lots of work to maintain it. Outstanding! #10233298Danny B. Head July 17, 2012
Great sky and red doors! #10233385Mike Clime July 17, 2012
Cool old barn and a nice rustic capture, Michelle! Amazing all of the work that went into laying the stone. #10233513Connie J. Bagot July 17, 2012
What a beautiful place! Lovely work Michelle. #10233527
Ann H. Belus
July 17, 2012
Carol L. Fowler July 17, 2012
Love that barn! So beautiful!!! #10233633Katherine Kuhn July 17, 2012
Beautiful capture of this old barn, Michelle. Great light & detail! #10233659Tiia Vissak July 17, 2012
great tones, details & framing! #10233672John Connolly July 17, 2012
If you can't have a red barn, then a red door will have to suffice! A wonderful old barn, and you have capture the stone textures to perfection! #10233918Ellen Hodges July 17, 2012
Absolutely beautiful capture, Michelle! Looks awesome! #10234090Jeffrey R. Bange July 17, 2012
Beautifully captured and presented Michelle, I look forward to seeing more of your barn tour. #10234154Neal D. Hatcher July 17, 2012
That is one Beautiful barn and you captured it well #10234160
R. J. Laudenbacher
July 18, 2012
Jill Odice
July 18, 2012
Dayna Cain
July 21, 2012
Cindy Bendush
July 22, 2012
Rona L. Schwarz July 22, 2012
What a gorgeous old barn, Michelle! And what a classic presentation of it - hope you can share it with them! You can certainly tell how lovingly preserved it is! #10239975Sign up for an interactive online photography course to get critiques on your photos.
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