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Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

The BetterPhoto Guide to Exposure

Hey BP members, fellow shooters, photo enthusiasts. I haven't had the chance to share my book with you all yet, part of the BetterPhoto series of books entitled "The BetterPhoto Guide to Exposure".

I hope you don't mind if I share the info- I'm sure it will sound like an infomercial, but I truly believe it can help many in their pursuit of better image-making.

It's been out since January 6th, hit the top 50 photo books in the Nielsen Bookscan recently, and I'm very proud of it- 225 pages and 250+ images discussing how to improve your photography through exposure (which really encompasses every aspect of photography).

I've also been doing a number of book signing events (one today at Borders Books), radio interviews, and a tv segment on a popular San Francisco show "The View From the Bay"

Of course I also teach 4-week courses on BetterPhoto, so you can find me her all the time.

Here's the cover along with a few extra shots of the book and myself. If you want info on where to buy it, go to my website, to the book page at:

Thanks for letting me share and happy shooting!
Sean Arbabi

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February 28, 2009


Peter W. Marks
  Greetings Sean. You've made a couple of bucks royalty off me my friend. Thanks to a discount coupon from Borders I bought it last week. Now I need to read and apply!
Hey, I miss your "Where in the world...." questions. Jim Zuckerman's are OK but he doesn't give clues so unles one has been there or seen a similar image there is no chance of getting it. With yours I could use deduction, a knowledge of geography, history, architecture, nature etc and have fun and keep my old brain working!
So, how is that for a suck-up Sean!
Regards, Pete

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March 04, 2009


Corinne M. Thompson
  Great book Sean! I received it as a Valentine's Day gift.

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March 04, 2009


BetterPhoto Member
  Thank you Peter, but what?! Discount coupon?! I better call my publisher immediately and reverse that- we never give discounts to the Brits. :) Long time no talk my friend- I've been so busy, my "where in the world" has been absent from BP- hopefully soon again. I appreciated the kind words too- we can't forget life needs to be about fun and our banter is always that. I'll see if I can get one up today, for my book buying BP members!

Thanks as well Corinne- I hope you enjoy it- I'm proud of the book and read a great review on Doing lots of promotion (radio interviews, a tv segment last week) and hope to do more.

My goal the past 3-4 years has been to bring photography to a tv show, 30 minutes, for the masses- sure we'll bring in the serious folk, but I want to talk about things to help the general public- a sort of Emeril Lagasse of photography. We'll see- we've been shopping our pilot around!

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March 04, 2009


  It looks great Sean. I will be sure to check it out! :)

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March 04, 2009


BetterPhoto Member
  Thanks Amy- I just found out today over 5000 have sold, and it's been on the top 50 photo books with the Nielsen Bookscan for over 7 weeks.

Looks like we're in for another book in the works too- maybe two. Good news.

Thanks to everyone for the support and purchase!

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March 04, 2009


Patricia Seidler
  The book looks great. I think Im going to have to order it. Thanks Sean!

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March 05, 2009


Corinne M. Thompson
  TV shows like a great idea. be sure & let us know when it airs!

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March 05, 2009

- Carlton Ward

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Carlton Ward
Carlton Ward's Gallery
  Just ordered one myself from Amazon. Cant wait to read it. Carlton

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March 05, 2009


BetterPhoto Member
  Thanks Patricia and Corinne- if you need the link again for the book and where to order it, here it is:

If anyone wants a signed copy, you can send $25 to our PayPal account ( ) and we'll send you a copy signed (that covers shipping as well in the US).

And if you want me to sign something like "To Corinne, the best BetterPhoto photographer ever" or "To Patricia, soon to be known as the greatest photographer in the history of photography" let me know. I'm easy.


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March 05, 2009


BetterPhoto Member
  Thanks Carlton! You rock. I believe you'll really enjoy it - and to everyone who may grab a copy, I'm always down to receive feedback, positive or negative.

I want you all to get your money's worth.


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March 05, 2009


Peter W. Marks
  Sean says-"My goal the past 3-4 years has been to bring photography to a tv show, 30 minutes, for the masses- sure we'll bring in the serious folk, but I want to talk about things to help the general public- a sort of Emeril Lagasse of photography."

And Pete said- " That would be absolutely spiffing. Just don't try to emulate my fellow countryman Gordon Ramsey and be telling the students where they can put their EF70-300L IS (with or without a 2x extender!) Just play nicely young Sean.

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March 05, 2009


BetterPhoto Member
  What? Gordon is my role model. :) That dude is awful.

I'm all about positivity and having a show that makes people happy and brings them solid info in an entertaining way.

We may shoot another show or add to our pilot next month. If you want to see what we did with our initial pilot, go to our show website and click on the "TV" link:

enjoy Photoguru-heads! Happy Shooting! (man, I need a catch line....something cool. Clickity Click! No, that stinks. Oh Snap! darn......gotta think of one).


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March 05, 2009


BetterPhoto Member
  Apologizes, here's an easier way to click on the link:

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March 05, 2009


Corinne M. Thompson
  "And if you want me to sign something like "To Corinne, the best BetterPhoto photographer ever"

ROTFLOL...have you seen my gallery? No need to butter me up, I do have the book already. Can I still get an autograph? ;)

Th tv pilot is great, and so is your sense of humor! Good Luck to you!

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March 05, 2009


BetterPhoto Member
  I have seen your gallery before- very nice shots of butterflies and birds, tulips and other flowers.

Thanks for getting a book too. I'd autograph it but it might drive the price down.


Thx for checkin' out the tv show too- we'll get it even more to our sense of humor- dorky, fun, and slightly demented!

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March 05, 2009


BetterPhoto Member
  For anyone interested, here are two of our sites with links to purchase a SIGNED COPY OF MY BOOK directly from me - you'll see the "buy it now" link on both:

(you can also order the book on the first link through over 30 worldwide sites including, Barnes & Noble, Borders,, and more).

And guess what?! Two new books in the works! More info to come later this year.

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March 08, 2009


BetterPhoto Member
  Apologizes again- here are the links (easier to just click on):

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March 08, 2009


BetterPhoto Member
  For anyone interested in the business of photography, I just posted a thread on a recent offer from a client- check it out:

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March 10, 2009

- Carlton Ward

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Carlton Ward
Carlton Ward's Gallery
  Hi Sean,
Your book arrived and I will start reading it tonight. I did thumb through a few pages and The El Capitan photo at night is pretty "WoW".... f/4 for 5 minutes in the moonlight - cool.

Thank you,

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March 11, 2009


BetterPhoto Member
  Thank you Carlton! Hope you enjoy it - thanks for all the support- would love to hear what you think when you read through it all!

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March 11, 2009

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