What Is The BEST "Value" You Ever Paid For?


What is the best "value" you ever paid for?

I'm not just talking cameras, apps, or tech; but that is okay if that's the biggest bang for your buck you ever received. Anything goes!

What's that one purchase that delivered so much value, you still feel like you won the lottery every time you think about it?

My personal jackpot? A Vitamix blender.


It's my morning ritual sidekick, turning nutrition into a no-brainer.

Now, over to you:

What's the best investment you've made, regardless of the price tag?

Whether it was a $70K Tesla that changed your daily commute, or something as simple as a book that shifted your perspective—do share!
A challenging question, as I first have to define what "Value" means to me. But after some pondering, I'll have to say that the beast value I've ever paid for is my Apple iPod. I'm a really big music fan, and the iPod changed the way I listen to music. I bought my first iPod in the early 2000's when I was in a travelling job. Over time, I evolved to the 160GB version, and I converted all of my CDs and most of my vinyl. Almost 20,000 songs at my fingertips! Besides headphones, I can plug it into my car, my wife's car, the clock radio in my bedroom, the sound systems in my office and living room... etc. I use it every day, and everywhere. One of these day's it's going to fail, and I'll be lost.

Donna Witt

New member
I know what the things are that I value most and yes they were very expensive....my two sons. And what a magnificent investment. I wanted to be a housewife and mother, and I was until I needed to be more. The boys wanted to go to college, thankfully, and YIKES. I started working when they were in middle school and worked for 16 years to supplement my husbands income. They are both high level engineers and that is all I am allowed to tell you about that. They still love Mom and Pop, and call almost every day.


New member
My best value was the purchase of our first house in 1981. It was a small and very nice townhouse that we liked very much.
We moved 8 years later because the neighorhood became very noise, but we were were very happy there and it was the first house for our daughter too.