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Nikon Fm3a or Contax Aria?

I am looking for the best Manual Focus camera system I can get for under 1k. So far I have narrowed it down to the new Nikon Fm3a and the Contax Aria. I was curious if you had any leanings either way?

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March 25, 2003


doug Nelson
  If you'll want autofocus later (maybe if you shoot sports for a living), consider Nikon. You can use the lenses you have from the FM3A on the autofocus body as well. Check out forums on the best Nikon lenses.
You can't go wrong with Contax, either. Save some money and look for a good used RTS1 or RTS2 body. Use a cheapie Yashica FX-series body, until you can afford a new Contax body, and put the difference into lenses. A Yashica body would make a good back-up, and, with a Contax Tessar 45, makes a very compact travel or backpacking package. I have not used Contax optics, but millions of satisfied users couldn't be wrong. From what I read, I don't think they make a bad or even a mediocre lens.

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March 25, 2003


Joe S. Cullin
  Isaac, Go for the Contax everytime! No, contax now have the AX and RX if you want a top spec or even autofocus camera at a later date.....and, unlike the Nikon, you will even get autofocus with your manual focus lenses!!!!! (Autofocus Contaxes move the film plain instead of the lens).
Yes, the RTS cameras are a good strong camera. However, the Yashica FX series camera is a poor choice cheap second body. Go for the Yashica FR series if you want a contax backup. The Yashica FR uses the same shutter and mirror assembly as the Contax RTS!

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February 08, 2005


Kerry L. Walker
  Issac, I want to clarify something that Joe said. It is true that the Contax AX is an autofocus body using manual focus Contax lenses. Contax made that camera because Zeiss did not, at that time, make any autofocus lenses and they wanted to enter the autofocus market. However, Contax no longer makes that series of cameras and the N series will not autofocus with a manual lens. Nikon has several advantages over Contax - the breadth of their lens line - the availability of all accessories - the easy availability of after marker products. Contax has one advantage. It is spelled Z-E-I-S-S. They use Carl Zeiss lenses and nobody makes better lenses - except maybe - maybe - Leica.

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February 09, 2005


George Anderson
  The Aria has been discontinued and the FM3a is probably not long for this world, either, but the FM3a does have one great advantage: It is by far the more rugged body of the two, and has no LCD display to go dead on you in a few years. Long-term the Nikon is the best choice.

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July 06, 2005


Bob Cammarata
  I'm a long time Nikon user but if I had the money when I was building my system, I'd have gone with Contax for the glass.
Those Carl Zeiss lenses are incredible...definately a step up from my MF Nikkors. (Not as good as Leica though.)

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July 07, 2005


George Anderson
  "Those Carl Zeiss lenses are incredible...definately a step up from my MF Nikkors."

As with most things, this depends on the lens being compared and what lens type is desired. The Contax lens line is noticeably bereft of good long/fast telephoto options, and extreme wideangles are also scarce (both in number of models offered and ability to find them on the used market). As to optical quality, the Contax 25mm, for example, is nowhere near as good in overall quality as the Nikkor AIS 24/2.8. The AIS 35mm/1.4 is fully the equal of its Contax 35mm competition. And many Contax MM/AE lenses are getting very hard to find in any sort of condition.

Most Contax shooters tend to hold on to their gear for long periods. If you go Contax for the glass, be sure to get a good rugged Contax or Yashica camera body that will hold up over time without needing new repairs or parts. The Aria probably isn't one of them.

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July 07, 2005


Bob Cammarata
When I was building my system, (way back when...), all my research and reading led me to believe that Leica and Zeiss lenses were the leaders in optical clarity for 35 mm format lenses. (Their heftier price tags supported this assessment.)
I know MF Nikkors are good but I have have always thought them to be "second best"(...but more affordable.)

Thanks for making my day. :)

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July 07, 2005


Kerry L. Walker
  George, I agree that you can pick a lens or two from each line and find that Nikkor is better. However, as a whole, Zeiss glass is better than Nikkor. However, Nikkor does offer a much wider range or available lenses. One thing to add, Contax is being discontinued as a camera line. Of course, Zeiss lenses will still be around. Contax had great lenses but not so great bodies (with the exception of the RTS line).

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July 07, 2005


George Anderson
  "I agree that you can pick a lens or two from each line and find that Nikkor is better. However, as a whole, Zeiss glass is better than Nikkor."

The problem with these blanket brand quality statements is that they are so misleading as to be useless. It really doesn't help potential buyers when they are told Contax/Zeiss MF lenses are "better" optically speaking, only to find that their particular lens(es) that he or she needs perform no better, or even worse, than a competing brand one was considering for its other advantages (cost, lens speed, optional accessories, etc).

I agree that prime Contax MF lenses have few mediocre performers compared to the competition, if we limit ourselves to objective measurements of lens resolution. I own both Contax and Nikon, and frequently find lenses in each I prefer over another in a given focal length. But the Contax MM/AE MF lens line isn't that large to begin with, so when a particular lens doesn't perform optically to expectation and/or isn't fast enough to do the job, that usually leaves a rather large gap which can't be easily filled by its neighbors with noticeably different angles of view.

If you really find the differences between 35mm MF Contax and Nikkor lenses to be that bothersome, you'd best save your money and move to medium format. The quantum leap in picture quality will amaze you.

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July 08, 2005


Kerry L. Walker
  I do shoot MF.

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July 08, 2005


George Anderson
  "I do shoot MF." Yay! I see you also own Olympus, some great lenses there. Then you of all people would know how ridiculous these lens wars between Nikkor and Zeiss/Contax. Do you also own Contax and Nikon 35mm MF lenses in varying focal lengths? Then you would also see my point when I say the optical differences are more subjective than objective, and even then, aren't always in Contax's favor.

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July 08, 2005


Kerry L. Walker
  Lets face facts. With either Zeiss or Nikkor glass, you're gonna be happy with the results. However, with Contax about to become a thing of the past - unless Zeiss revives the line themselves, your better choice might be to go with Nikon. They aren't going anywhere.

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July 09, 2005


Alice Bobby
  It's very good to know that tunnel rush

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