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Photography Question 

Andy Smart

Film not being exposed?

I'm just beginning in photography and my dad gave me his old Fujica ST605 35mm SLR so I can experiment before I purchase a newer camera.

I put my first film in - a Fujifilm 200 Superia and took 24 pics with it. I took it to be developed last week, but when I went to pick up my snaps they said there was a fault and my film hadn't been exposed? They said maybe the film hadn't been loaded correctly?? But I'm pretty sure it was ok and the shutter opens ok and the camera was fime last time it was used, although that was some years ago. My dad had had the camera since new and its in first class condition, any idea what the problem may be??

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November 23, 2002


Jon Close
  I have to go with the film not loaded properly theory. If the film isn't properly attached to the take-up reel, then it will not advance after each shot.

When you load the film and close the camera back, turn the rewind crank gently. If the film is securely attached to the take-up reel then after taking up a little slack there should be some resistance (stop, don't continue to turn the crank). After a shot, watch the rewind crank at the same time you operate the film advance lever. If the film is properly loaded the rewind crank will turn. If the film end has slipped off the take-up reel the rewind crank will not turn.

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November 25, 2002


Tony Peckman
Jon is right on the button. I have done that a few times with my old Minolta. Best thing to do, along with what Jon said, is waste a frame or two by watching the film advance on the spindle while you crank it, then close the camera back. At least you know it's advancing correctly and you've only lost a frame instead of 24+.
Good luck.

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November 25, 2002


Andy Smart
  Thankyou both very much, I'll try what you said!!

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November 28, 2002


Maynard McKillen
  Dear Andy:
Just to be sure that your shutter is opening consistently, you might test it by removing any film, removing the lens, pointing the camera at a bright light or the sky, and clicking the shutter, say, fifty times. Hopefully you'll see the shutter open fifty times. Later Fujica models like the AX-3 and to a much lesser extent the AX-5, had a problem with intermittant shutter failure. The ST-605 wasn't prone to this intermittant problem, but this is an easy test.
If I remember right, the ST-605 has mechanical shutter release, so that the camera works even if the battery is dead or missing. The battery serves only to power the light meter. You may want to test this supposition too, because some battery-dependent camera models from various manufacturers behave in unusual ways if the battery powers more than just the light meter, and that battery happens to get weak, dies, or is removed for long term camera storage.
I've seen cameras that sound like they're operating normally and act like they're operating normally, but prove to be defective when I open the back door to watch the shutter open. The first shutter curtain may appear to move, but you never see any light pass through, because it didn't actually open, it just vibrated in response to the second curtain zipping past. The first curtain never opens, pushing the film advance lever merely resets the second curtain, which is still working correctly, and no light reaches the film. Food for thought.

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June 12, 2003


Dede Carver

Just this weekend I shot two rolls with my EOS3. The first roll came out fine. The second roll was loaded, advanced on it's own showing which frame I was on, then automatically rewound on the 24th exposure. Same as the several hundred other rolls I have taken. When I went to pick the film up only the first roll was exposed. The lab said there was nothing on the second. I went so far as to have three other rolls in my bag developed that I were unused thinking I had somehow mixed the rolls up. Nothing on the those either. Has this happened to anyone before or have you heard of this happening? Could the lab have made an error or is something up with my camera? Nothing more frustrating as when the shots can't be recaptured! DC

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November 25, 2003

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