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Photography Question 

Matthew G. Lynch

Preset Lighting Scenes For Portrait Studio

Once upon a time Paul C. Buff made a light control box called a CompuScene. They only have one left; we need three.
Does anyone know where to find something similar to this? Must store at least 20 scenes and accomodate no less than five lights.

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October 24, 2002


Wayne Attridge
  I am not familiar with what you are describing. If you give me a more explicit description, I may be able to build them for you.

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October 25, 2002


Matthew G. Lynch
  Wayne- what this compuscene does is store specific light levels for each light (main lights, back lights and hairlight) based on the the background color, and which side you want to light from. Each background would have three "scenes" to choose from- Scene 1 Right side main, left side fill, scene 2 left side main light right side fill, scene 3 flat lighting and so on. This unit can also fire all the lights (done manually on its touch pad) in between scenes. We do all of the light level programming for the unit. The original CompuScene could store something like 200 different scenes, but that would not be needed. You can find more info in the glossary section of the whitelightning website.

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October 25, 2002


Wayne Attridge
  Sorry, Matthew, I think there would be too much reverse engineering for that to be a viable project. Better to find someone who is already constructing them. I am into film production a little more than stills and am working on a line of dollies, camera jibs, filming cranes and the like. I thought it might fit into that idea more from your initial description. Wayne.

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October 29, 2002


  I have a compuscene that I am selling - you can email me at - I will be putting it on ebay soon :)

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November 30, 2003

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