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Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Mirror Lockup

I have a Pentax MV-1 and I was taking a picture the other day in lowlight and the mirror locked up. I have read the manual and it says to switch from auto to "100x" to close the shutter. This didn't work and I was wondering if there was anyone that could help me please. :)

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October 23, 2002


Stephen Hill
  Hi, Nathan. Have you tried a fresh battery? It is very common for a lot of cameras to "lock up" when the battery gets drained.


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November 06, 2003


  Low batteries won't lock up an MV. The closing shutter is retarded by the circuit, so a low battery will simply fire the shutter at it's maximum speed.

It's much more likely that something has got gummed up in the works. These cameras, in common with many of that era, have soft plastic buffers inside, and these deteriorate with age. They become very sticky, and start to break-up.

The soloution is to have them removed. This will not affect the operation of the camera, as these parts just deaden noise. Have a look at for guidance on how to do this.

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May 29, 2006

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