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Photography Question - Jacquie Palazzolo

BetterPhoto Member
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Jacquie Palazzolo's Gallery

Photo Bucket List ?

I just have a question for the community of awesome photographers you have a photography "bucket list"? You know, photos that you've admired by other photographers and hope to achieve in your own hobby/career?

I was a water drop shot because I'm so fascinated about freezing that split second that the very small drop is suspended in the air. I have done this a couple of times and it wasn't easy. I literally ended up with a migraine each time.

Next, I always loved to see insects in flight. Again, that very moment that it hangs in time while I freeze it's approach to the flower. I just accomplished this last week. Check.

I would love to be able to do creative portraits. While I shoot a lot of portraits, I want to be able to get that one super creative shot that everyone is talking about.

There are others I would love to achieve, but the others would require travel. Some day. :)

How about you?

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August 10, 2020 - Janet Criswell

BetterPhoto Member
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Janet Criswell's Gallery
  Thinking about it, mine is pretty simple. I'd like to see and be able to photograph well a painted bunting. I've only seen one in my life. I would love to be able to drive around, even just in the state, with the camera, but I don't foresee that happening again, so I want that bird to come to me. :)

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August 12, 2020 - Jacquie Palazzolo

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Jacquie Palazzolo
Jacquie Palazzolo's Gallery
  I hope that happens, Janet! I look forward to seeing the photo :)

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August 13, 2020 - Errick L. Cameron

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Errick L. Cameron's Gallery
  My bucket list s the recording of my grandchildren through the years. Most of these photos are for private viewing only but they are the ones a cherish the most.

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August 22, 2020

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