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Photography Question - Errick L. Cameron

BetterPhoto Member
BetterPhoto Crew: Volunteer
Contact Errick L. Cameron
Errick L. Cameron's Gallery

December Countdown Thread

Welcome to the December Countdown Thread.
I am getting started with this post a little late as I have been out of town. When I head to the coast I completely unplug so no computer or even laptop. Good for the soul!

Please share one of two of personal best photos with us. There are so many fabulous photo posted on BP. So many very inspiring works of time and talent. I like this thread because its purpose is for each of us to show case your individual photo that you believe is your best or that you feel is most representative of your inner self. So... let's see your personal best!
*If you are a regular here you know what to do.
**If you are new to this thread, take some time to read our helpful hints below and join in the fun.
*** If you found yourself here because you are lost.... Hmmm.., Don't worry, this is not the Hotel California, you can escape!
Some helpful hints for attaching photos into a BP Forum Thread, if you're unfamiliar with the process:
1) Sign into BP. IF YOU HAVEN'T entered the Contest for today, you can use the "Photo ID" method to pull an existing image (from your Member Center) into your reply here.
a. Jot down the PhotoID # of the photo you wish to share. To determine your PhotoID, go to the little Pancakes icon, then click “My Photos”, then “Manage/Enter.” The PhotoID is right below the number.
b. Go to the Countdown Contest thread. Click “Respond” at the bottom of the page.
c. Type in whatever you wish; e.g., “Here’s my Fav image for the month.”
d. Click the “Select” button below the text input box, and select “1.” Toggle on “Notify” box if you wish to be notified. Click “Submit.”
e. The Image Uploader appears. On the right-hand side, you’ll see an input box for the PhotoID (from step 1a). Type it in then click “submit your photo.” Then, return to the forum thread and you’ll see your photo.
2) IF YOU HAVE ALREADY entered the Contest for today, you can't use the Photo ID method *today*. Either wait until tomorrow to reply here first, or upload a copy of the image (from your PC) and attach to this thread. This produces a duplicate image in your Member Center; however, you don't have to make that duplicate visible in your Gallery.
3) If you're uploading a duplicate, I suggest titling it "For Forum" so it stands out in your Member Center, for easier housecleaning later on. This can also help nudge BP viewers to go find the original image in your gallery, if they want to leave a comment. Likewise, if you want to add a comment to a photo seen here, first try to tell if it is a duplicate upload. As a courtesy, try to find the original image in the member's gallery and leave your comment there instead of on the duplicate... which may one day be deleted.

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January 20, 2017


Cary Rogers
  (Just tagging the thread) Hope everyone's having a great new year!

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January 20, 2017

- Ed Lauderdale

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Ed Lauderdale
Ed Lauderdale's Gallery
My favorite for December. Oops, I'll wait until tomorrow to add my image!! Saw Errick's comment below - I think we're in for a treat!

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January 21, 2017 - Errick L. Cameron

BetterPhoto Member
BetterPhoto Crew: Volunteer
Contact Errick L. Cameron
Errick L. Cameron's Gallery
I will share two photos with our group this month. both are black and whites and both are photos that are among my favorites for the year 2016. I hope that you enjoy them.

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January 21, 2017 - Errick L. Cameron

BetterPhoto Member
BetterPhoto Crew: Volunteer
Contact Errick L. Cameron
Errick L. Cameron's Gallery
  How many animals can you find hiding in the branches? I originally took this photo on November 2, 2007, location Pere Marquette State Park, Il. I snatched it out of my archives and did the post processing on 11/4/2016. an example of apophenia photography.

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January 21, 2017 - Errick L. Cameron

BetterPhoto Member
BetterPhoto Crew: Volunteer
Contact Errick L. Cameron
Errick L. Cameron's Gallery
How many animals can you find hiding in the branches? I originally took this photo on November 2, 2007, location Pere Marquette State Park, Il. I snatched it out of my archives and did the post processing on 11/4/2016. an example of apophenia photography.

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January 21, 2017 - Errick L. Cameron

BetterPhoto Member
BetterPhoto Crew: Volunteer
Contact Errick L. Cameron
Errick L. Cameron's Gallery
  I don't know why my first description was placed beneath this photo???

Second photo: My second photo was taken October 8, 2016 under the Oceanana Pier of Atlantic Beach, NC. This is located on the southern Outer Banks of North Carolina. On these evening, Hurricane Matthew skirted the shoreline just 30 miles due east of this location as I took the photo. 1/2 sec exposure time.

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January 21, 2017 - Chris Budny

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Chris Budny
Chris Budny's Gallery Editor's Pick  
Tipping Point
Tipping Point
I'm always surprised by how long a top can keep spinning after it starts leaning away from plumb and wobbling as it decelerates. This is a small (1-inch tall) milled Damascus steel top on a black glass spinning surface a few moments before "the crash"; I had fun photographing way too many spins.

Chris Budny Editor's Pick  
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas!
I couldn't resist taking some photos today at the cathedral, decked out mostly in simple red and green arrangements, which seemed to call for a selective color treatment. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, BP!

Chris Budny

Thanks, Errick for hosting! Dec. was a short month, entry-wise, but I had fun shooting a new spinning top I'd picked up that month, and trying out a new selective-color with the cathedral's Christmas flowers. Best of luck to everyone!

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January 21, 2017

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