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Category: New Answers

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member


Theoretically, what is the biggest aperture of a lens. In short, is there a lens bigger than f 1.0?

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October 01, 2002


Jon Close
  Lenses can be and have been made with apertures larger than f/1.0. In the early 1960's Canon made a rangefinder lens that was 50mm f/0.95. Theoretically the aperture could be made even larger, but I think that f/1.0 is near the practical limit given the design contraints of slr cameras (diameter of the lens mount, distance from the film plane, etc.).

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October 01, 2002


Jeff S. Kennedy
  I have seen a rangefinder camera with an aperture of f.7. For a movie Stanley Kubrick made (Barry Linden) they developed a lens with an aperture of f.5 (if memory serves) because he wanted to shoot some indoor scenes with only existing light. So yes, it is possible to have apertures larger than f1.0.

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October 01, 2002

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