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Photography Question 

Marcy B. Reman

Masterpiece Membership

Thinking about signing up for Masterpiece Membership. Curious as to what others have experienced in this group? Likes and dislikes. I'm fairly new to photography but have developed a great passion for it. I've taken 2 classes and things are starting to click and my photography is really improving. I want to keep learning, growing and receiving feedback but need a break from the weekly assignments. Any thoughts, comments and recommendations are greatly appreciated. Thanks.

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October 17, 2012


Jackie M. Sajewski
  Marcy, I never noticed the Masterpiece Membership. It looks like it offers a lot. Thanks for bringing it to my attention. I'm interesed in seeing some response from members too.

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October 19, 2012

- Bob Cournoyer

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Bob Cournoyer
Bob Cournoyer's Gallery
  I've been in MM since Feb 2009. It's educational, fun, aggravating, confusing, motivational, fulfilling........ All for only $49 a month...which, if you figure it out, is cheaper than a 4 week class.

Anyway, it's moderated/run by Kerry Drager...who assigns, and, explains, the monthly "Mission" with pictures and links to examples. There's a Q&A forum for questions (Duh?) and a critique forum to submit pictures that you need help on or would like comments on..Kerry is very good about answering questions and critiquing promptly.
The "mission" pictures go into a separate area and are commented on and voted on by other MM members. When the "mission" month is over, there are a few days for stragglers to vote on pictures, then Kerry makes his choices and the top 10 images for that month are announced.

I hope some of this made sense.... It's hard to capsulate the whole thing in a couple sentences. If you have any other questions or need something explained further, feel free to ask me. I'm retired, so I have lots of time... ;-)


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October 22, 2012


Marcy B. Reman
  Thanks Bob! It sounds like fun. I think I may try it starting in November. Are there photographers of levels involved?

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October 22, 2012


Greg Rhodes
  Marcy: I've been in MM for awhile (although not as long as Bob, he has seniority I think), and in addition to the benefits of a monthly challenge, which I enjoy and find motivating (although admittedly struggle some months to find just the "perfect" masterpiece shot), the unexpected benefit has been Kerry's availability to critique not just the monthly submissions, but any shot. For your monthly fee, you are essentially buying a pro to look over your shoulder and give advice on any aspect of your photography. I find that as valuable as the monthly challenge. You also get the opportunity to connect with other photographers; I recently vacationed in an city with a MM member and we met up for a day to shoot. Plus, you can come and go anytime, no commitment beyond each month. Each month all the entries are up for vote for the winner and top 10 finishers. I have learned not to obsess over this. Hard to anticipate how people react to your shots, not unlike submitting to the regular BP contests each month. Hard to see your "greatest shot ever" be ignored! On the other hand, a shot you didn't think that highly of can get a good reaction. I think you can find the top finishers each month on the main BP page, so you can get a sense of what the level of the participants is...I think it is all over the board, from pretty serious, experienced photographers to folks like me who are somewhat new to the concept of being serious about photography, and skill levels that range from intermediate to highly skilled. I don't think there are many "beginners" in MM. I think most members have taken some BP classes.

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October 26, 2012


Marcy B. Reman
  Thanks Greg! Great information and really helps me to know what I'm getting into. I've take 2 classes - 16 weeks and my photography has really jumped a level, though I would still consider myself an advanced beginner as there is so much to learn. I really enjoy the comraderie of the classes but I am always sad when the class ends. MM sounds like to might be a great experience and I'm going to give it a try for November.

Thanks again!

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October 26, 2012


Greg Rhodes
  Great, be good to welcome you to the group!

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October 26, 2012 - Jim Miotke

BetterPhoto Member
BetterPhoto Crew: King
Contact Jim Miotke
Jim Miotke's Gallery
  Kerry and I often wonder if the word "Masterpiece" in the title of this group intimidates potential members. Although the original intention was to walk in Ansel's footsteps, and create at least one masterpiece a month, we could change the name to something that is more open to intermediate and serious enthusiast photographers.

Any thoughts?

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February 01, 2013


Marcy B. Reman
  Jim - this is my third month as a member of Masterpiece Membership and what attracted me to look at it was the name. So I say keep it. I truly aspire to creating Masterpieces. I would have characterized myself as an advanced beginner serious hobbyist when I joined and I'm very much enjoying this group and the monthly challenges. The members are open and friendly. The level was not above my capabilities - I even had a photo chosen as #1 last month. My suggestion might be to leave the name but choose a tag line that encourages all. ie. An open and creative environment to help any serious photographer create winning photos.

Hope that helps.

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February 03, 2013


Jackie M. Sajewski
  I guess I thought it was a more advanced class or more advanced skills than I have at this point. I am a serious enthusiast hobby shooter always wanting to get better. Perhaps it might be something I am ready to try. Congrats Marcy on doing so well in the club and winning a monthly challenge. Thats awesome.

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February 03, 2013

- Bob Cournoyer

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Bob Cournoyer
Bob Cournoyer's Gallery
  Very well put, Marcy! I was pondering a new name and couldn't come up with a better one. I like your tag line idea... :-)

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February 03, 2013


Marcy B. Reman
  Thanks Jackie! You should join this group. Your photos are beautiful and I'm sure those in the group would enjoy seeing them. I think you would enjoy it also. It provides the comraderie of the monthly discussion threads but more intimate. Plus you have the advantage of receiving critiques. Kerry is really wonderful and always gracious and responsive. I have learned so much from him and all the members of the group.

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February 03, 2013

- Usman M. Bajwa

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Usman M. Bajwa
Usman M. Bajwa's Gallery
  Another tag line idea:

"No matter where you stand, improve your photography rung-by-rung until you reach at the top, creating Masterpieces of your own"


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February 04, 2013


Marcy B. Reman
  Usman - that's perfect! Love it. Are you going to join MM too?

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February 04, 2013

- Bob Cournoyer

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Bob Cournoyer
Bob Cournoyer's Gallery
  Good one, Usman... :-)

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February 04, 2013

- Usman M. Bajwa

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Usman M. Bajwa
Usman M. Bajwa's Gallery
  Thanks Marcy, would definitely love to join in the fun and improve on my skillset, but its (the fees) way too steep for me right now, as there are other priorities that need to be taken care off first.


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February 04, 2013 - Leslie J. Morris

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Leslie J. Morris
Leslie J. Morris's Gallery
  This does look like fun, but the monthly cost is prohibitive for me to!

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February 07, 2013


Kalena Randall
  I've written Kerry and gotten some great feedback on the Master Membership program.

I would like to hear about some experiences from members in the program. Can a member give me a scenario of a monthly challenge was like for them?

Thanks for any feedback I can get from folks. I hope everyone has a super Christmas!

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December 05, 2013

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