BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: New Answers

Photography Question 

Meghan Gonski

Photo Deletion

So does anyone know how to delete photos from your website also delete photos from your albums at the same time? right now I've found that if I delete photos in the "edit your photos" they are still displayed in the album on the website. You have to go to the album click "add/view photos" and then find the photos and "remove the photo" from the album eve nthough you already deleted it from your website. That's very confusing and time consuming. Does anyone know how to delete a photo ONE time?

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August 09, 2010


Jeff Moore
  Hi Meghan. Great catch on this one. This was definitely a bug in our software. Our developers have now fixed it, so you shouldn't have this problem anymore.

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August 24, 2010


Meghan Gonski
  Oh thanks! I tried it out and it now works fine. I'm glad I said something and BP could fix it.

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August 24, 2010

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