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Category: New Answers

Photography Question 

Clayton T. Williams

Changing membership level

I currently have a deluxe and pro site that are about to expire. I am keeping th pro site but am going to downgrade to a basic site instead of the deluxe to cut a few costs. Is there a way to do this so I won't lose the photos that are already uploaded to my deluxe site?


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November 19, 2009


Amy Wadley
  Hi Travis: Thanks for your question! All of your images that have been uploaded to your web site are also located in your BetterPhoto member center under your Better Photos tab. If you decide to go with a Basic, all of your images are still there, ready to be posted in your Basic gallery. You won't lose your images. The difference, however, is you can only post up to 1,000 images on your Basic as opposed to unlimited images on your web site. I hope this helps! Please feel free to email me at if you have more questions. Thanks!

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November 19, 2009

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