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Photography Question 

Sharon Day

Poor color after uploading! HELP!

Lately when I upload to the contest my images are looking nothing like they do when I edit and save them. I am editing and saving in SRGB for the web and until now they have always looked exactly as they did in PS. Anyone know why they aren't displaying well here? I'll try and add it to the discussion thread but if it doesn't work it's the first one in my gallery that look particularly bad. It doesn't even look overly sharp and it's full of texture before uploading. Thanks!

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September 13, 2009


Sharon Day
  How weird!! This looks exactly as it did in PS. Never mind. It must be operator error of some kind!

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September 13, 2009

- Carlton Ward

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Carlton Ward
Carlton Ward's Gallery
Hello Sharon,
I dont know if you use monitor calibration but I highly recommend the Spyder (by Colorvision) software & calibrator. Even the Spyder Express will work well. I use an older Spyder2 version that is still working fine.
I too have trouble putting down the $$ for the NIK filters. I did spend the $49 for Topaz Adjust and it will do a very similar edit to the flower image you posted. I am posting a image edited with Topaz Adjust here just to show you what it looks like. You have controls to make small adjustments or more extreme ones like my example image.

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September 13, 2009


Sharon Day
  Thanks, Carlton! I think I'm going to get Topaz Adjust and Simplify. For those who loved the Buzz Simplifier, the Topaz Simplify is the exact same thing. I did a photo using both versions and patterns were exactly the same. I wondered if Topaz bought out Fo2Pix?? Some of the effects with Simplify are cool too.

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September 13, 2009


Donna La Mattino Pagakis
  Hi Sharon,

I first started noticing this problem back in June. I use Photoshop CS4, on an IMAC, for my editing. When I upload for the contest, the images do not appear as bright. I did several comparisons~ I would screenshot my uploaded image and compare to my PS edit. There is a big difference. It got to the point where I was manipulating the uploaded image to try to match the original edit.

But then when I look at the same image on a PC, it looks more like the original edited version. That is when I stopped worrying about it.

Trust me, you are not the only one to notice this!


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September 14, 2009


Sharon Day
  Thanks, Donna! After I posted the question I wasn't sure I didn't upload the wrong photo. The last two I uploaded looked ok so it was probably me being a dolt LOL.

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September 14, 2009


Donna La Mattino Pagakis
  When I look at the image I uploaded yesterday and compare it to what it looks like in PS~ they are different. The image is less vibrant, lacking certain colors.

You may give it a try.

Good luck!


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September 14, 2009


Sharon Day
  Thanks again, Donna!

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September 14, 2009

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