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Photography Question 

Susan E. Holloway

putting a layer in photoshop

I am trying to put an image into layers in photoshop elements 7. I can add the layer. But the image does not show up as a layer. I have done this - click layer - new - layer and then put the name of the file in and click ok. Then name shows up but not the image. Can anybody help me?

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August 30, 2009


  Susan you are creating a blank layer. What sort of layer are you trying to create? If it's a Background layer (a copy of the picture over the picture) try Ctrl-J (or layer, duplicate Layer, OK). But if you are trying to put two different pictures in layers that would be Handled differently. So it really just depends. Hope this helps some but if not just email me I'd be glad to help you further.

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August 30, 2009

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