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Sinking Camera to Soft Boxes

I have a Nikon D50 and I have one Softbox Lighting. I know it is probably one step I am missing... I was setting up my Softbox for a photo and I use my meter and got my reading and I set my Nikon D50 on Mannual and my setting at 125/f8 and I plugged my camera in and went to shoot and nothing happen. My camrera would not fire... I know there must be one small step on my camera that I am missing... I am new to the Studio Lighting... Can someone tell me step by step what setting do I do on my camera to sink my light with my camera.
Linda Guidroz

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July 09, 2009

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
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  It shouldn't be more than connecting the sync cord to the pc outlet on the camera or a hot shoe adapter.
You sure you don't have something like an auto focus lock turned on that kept the camera from taking a picture?

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July 09, 2009


John H. Siskin
  Hi Linda,
There’s some information about sync at this link: . Basically you have to let the strobe know exactly when to fire.
Thanks, John Siskin

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July 18, 2009

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