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Photography Question 

Tom Hauber

Canon AE-1

I recently accquired a Canon AE-1 from my brother, who has had it for 15 years or more(he thinks), it has only had 1 roll of film shot through it, and is in better condition than the cameras I currently use(pentax K-1000, and EOS rebel) It appears to be very similar to the K-1000, but I know it has more capabilities, can anyone give me their oppinion of this camera and its operation. Thanks, Tom H.

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May 04, 2002


Jeff S. Kennedy
  The AE-1 is one of the all time great cameras. I've owned a couple of them in the past. Check out new and used book stores, ebay, or camera stores and you may find books about it that will help you use it (although, it's not that complicated a camera).

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May 04, 2002


Tom Hauber
  Thanks Jeff, I'll try that, I am one who hates to just start using something without getting familiar with it first. Thanks again, Tom

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May 05, 2002

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