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Photography Question 

Cynthia L. Sperko

Vertical images on website

Has anyone noticed that their vertical images on their websites are a lot larger than normal? My vertical images used to be the size of a 4x6 print, but now they are larger than 5x7?

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January 07, 2009


cheryl m. phillips
  YES!!! Thank you Cindy!
I thought I was losing it! So glad you posted this! What is up?? It's almost TOO large now if you are viewing it now you have to scroll to see the entire image. Anyone have an idea why??

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January 08, 2009


Cynthia L. Sperko
  Hey Cheryl!
Perhaps we should contact someone at BH to explain why this happened? It does take more time to view the images due to scrolling, etc. We usually receive an email when something is going to change, but I didn't receive one this time.


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January 09, 2009


cheryl m. phillips
  I agree! I do not like it and can't believe that nobody else hasn't noticed and said something. Are you going to contact them then? I am running out the door right now, let me know... ok?
My clients gallery photos are HUGE! Not good.

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January 09, 2009


Cynthia L. Sperko
  Hey Cheryl,
I just sent an email to the BH staff. I will let you know when I get a response. I will likely share the response in this forum.


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January 09, 2009


cheryl m. phillips
  I actually just sent one as well. Hopefully they can resolve this.
Thanks Cindy! Nice to meet you by the way.

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January 09, 2009


Marianne Fortin
  BP has just made the website images the same size as the gallery images.

They used to resize your uploaded images to fit the gallery template which caused loss of quality.

This way the image should be the same size as it was when you resized it yourself in PS without any further resizing by BP.

Before the vertical images were smaller than the horizontal ones.

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January 09, 2009


cheryl m. phillips
  It's nice that they are larger, but they are now TOO large. You have to scroll to see an entire image on a page now...not sure how that is better.

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January 09, 2009


Cynthia L. Sperko
  I agree with Cheryl.


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January 09, 2009

- Dennis Flanagan

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Dennis Flanagan
Dennis Flanagan's Gallery
  Maybe you need to adjust your screen resolution. They are fine on mine.

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January 09, 2009


cheryl m. phillips
  No, that's not it Dennis. Seems that the older images on my website are not as large as ones just recently added, and it's just the vertical ones or any that are square cropped...
very strange...
This just started a day or two ago or so.

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January 09, 2009


Marianne Fortin

This is just with the Deluxe websites. BP used to resize the images on them to fit their template so the images (especially vertical ones) were smaller than they would display on the regular Galleries.

The images on the websites are now displayed in the same size as on the regular galleries. I think one of the reasons is that some people were asking why they should pay for a Deluxe site when the new-style Galleries display their images in the correct size and look more like a website than the old-style galleries.

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January 10, 2009


cheryl m. phillips
  Don't get me wrong, I like the idea of them being larger. But they are TOO large now. They don't fit without having to scroll to see the whole image. And not all of them are the new size. Some of my original images I posted on my Pro site are small still and then the newer ones are HUGE. So I have some the huge size and some the regular size (as far as all the vertical and square images). I don't like it. Have not heard back from BP yet...

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January 10, 2009


Ross Throndson
  Well, I guess we're all different, because I Love the Fact that now my Vertical images are just as big as my horizontal ones. For me it's a Big Improvement....Thanks, BP!! :-)

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January 10, 2009


Marianne Fortin
  The older images on my site are a bit smaller than the newer ones, but that is because I used to upload using 480px on the short side (which was usually 720x480) but now I use 800px on the long side (which is usually 800x533).

BP is now diplaying the images at the same size as you uploaded them, rather than resizing them to fit their template, which used to cause a loss of image quality.

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January 11, 2009


Cynthia L. Sperko
  I understand everyone's point(s) on this issue. The images are a lot larger, but the quality is better. I wish that BP would have let us know that they were doing this. We usually get an email with updates and we didn't this time.


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January 11, 2009


cheryl m. phillips
  I agree Cindy!

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January 11, 2009

- Carolyn M. Fletcher

BetterPhoto Member
BetterPhoto Crew: Volunteer
Contact Carolyn M. Fletcher
Carolyn M. Fletcher's Gallery
  Weird...Mine don't look any different.

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January 11, 2009

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