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Category: New Answers

Photography Question 

Samantha Wharton

DSLR Camera..broken, worth fixing?

I thought i'd repost this under the correct category...
i'm new to phtoography with SLR/dslr cameras.. I am signed up for a class starting soon.

I have a DSLR that I have never used, because it is broken. It is an Olympus Camedia E-10... my boyfriend found it in the trash... had the lens and everything attached. I cant figure out how to take the lens off, not sure if it can be used on any other cameras? what about on a 35mm Film SLR?

also... does anyone know how much a repair would cost? Not sure if it would be better to just buy one or not in the future, problem seems to be with the actual shooting the pictures. It can read that the memory card has no images, but once I turn it into shooting mode it makes a weird noise for 10-15 seconds and wont do anything except display a weird code...any advice on that would also be helpful!

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December 31, 2008


Jon Close
  E-10 has a nice lens, but it is not removable. Cost to repair depends on what is wrong. You can download the manual free from Olympus (LINK, p. 189-190 has an explanation of some of the error codes, but most of those have to do with a bad memory card. Is the "weird noise" mechanical, like the zoom or focus motor/gears grinding or the built-in flash trying to pop up? Or is it an electronic whine, like the flash capacitor charging or ...?

E-10 is an 8 yr old camera with just 4mp sensor. Beyond something simple and cheap, like a new battery or switch replacement, any repair is likely to cost as much as simply buying a new camera with the same or greater capabilities. Probably why it was in the trash. Take if for an estimate to a local shop, or check with Olympus Service (LINK).

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December 31, 2008

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