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Photography Question 

Bernie Daily

How do I get the pixels?

Hello, I have been using Canon ELPH products for over ten years. My PowerShot S200 has taken good clear pictures in the 400 to 700K range. I have enlarged a few and I am generally happy wiht the results.
Recently a few of my pictures were selected for a magazine. The editor said they were border line at the 600 tp 700K range. He told me around a meg was the lower end for printing in magazines.
I would like to follow up with more articles so I bought a Canon SD1000 rated at 7 megapixels. I have taken a few pictures in the highest mode setting and I find the size of the pictures is the same as my old 2 meg PowerShot.
I read the manuals, looked a the Canon site and search the web. This looks like the spot to ask.
How can I take a picture with the Canon SD1000 and download it in a 2 to 4 meg file?
Thank you, Bernie

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August 10, 2008


Bernie Daily
  Now I am really curious. Is this question too hard or am I too dumb to be answered?

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August 17, 2008

- Ken Smith

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Ken Smith
Ken Smith's Gallery
  Bernie, I never saw your original forum topic..sometimes they drop down the list pretty quick, if others are asking questions and I generally look at the first page, unless it's bumped up like you did for this one. A 7 Megapixel camera should yield filesizes above 1MB, unless somehow you have a quality setting that's not yielding the highest quality. I have the older Digital Rebel that's 6.2 megapixels, and at the highest JPG quality setting, I was getting files around 3MB. Sorry I can't be of more help because I don't own the SD1000.

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August 17, 2008

- Carlton Ward

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Carlton Ward
Carlton Ward's Gallery
  Hi Bernie,
I dont know your camera or the way you shoot/process images but I use a Canon 40D (10.2 MP) and my raw images are about 12MB and after processing and saving as .tif files they are usually about 50MB in size, unless I compress them. Do you have the ability to shoot raw ? At 7.1 MP and shooting at the highest quality (even jpegs), you should get enough resolution for your needs so I am a bit curious what is happening with your setup as well.
You can also try saving them as larger files (increase pixels) but I have not tried this myself, only heard that other photographers are able to do this to a degree without losing clarity/sharpness.
Hope this helps - Carlton

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August 17, 2008


Christopher A. Vedros
If you have the camera set at 7 megapixels (the "large" setting), the file should be larger than 1MB. Check to make sure it is also set for the best quality JPEG setting. The choices are "normal", "fine", or "super fine". You want it set to "super fine".

What Carlton said about RAW is true, but your camera doesn't have the option of shooting in RAW.

Good luck,
Chris Vedros

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August 17, 2008

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