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Category: New Answers

Photography Question 

Derek D. Dafoe

Copy Bug with new basic galleries..

Heads up guys if you have a
Basic Betterpholio enabled... It appears that the right click function still works for any thieves who use Monzilla Firefox browser. The right click function is disabled on internet explorer users only it seems. The "No Right click" dialog box does open up with Monzilla, but so does the the Monzilla copy box options, and I have easily copied images to my hardrive. I will also email BP about this... Thanks

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August 03, 2008


Mark Feldstein
  Howdy Derek. I posted a link to this interesting comment of yours on Janis' thread regarding orphan works costs to photographers.

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August 03, 2008


Amy M. Wilson
  I hate to be the bearer of bad news but anyone who thinks that the "no right click" script protects their work is sadly mistaken. Even if the no-right-click script is functioning, most aren't cross-browser compatible and there are many other ways to easily copy anything on the internet; from as simple as using Print Screen to using screen capture programs or even accessing encrypted images from Temporary Internet Files.

As a graphic designer I have had my work copied and stolen many times despite my efforts to employ every possible protection available; I've even had people take and use my graphics with large watermark stamps posted across the middle of the main image!

Bottom line, if it's on the internet, it can easily be taken!

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August 04, 2008

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