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Category: New Answers

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

how to take pic. without flash of a baby

I have a new olympus E400 camera which I find great. Please advise me on how to take pictures of a baby without using a flash? What setting would be best? The lens I use is 14-42.
Hope you can help me.
Thank you

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March 11, 2008


Samuel Smith
  welcome christine,
you don't mention the aperture of your lens,wether your familar with iso or what available light there is.well,if it's all new to you and you don't have a previous problem can someone tell you the best setting?ohhh.
read the manual and use flash if your cameras meter is popping up the flash in your attempts,it's suggesting your shots are too slow for being handheld.
we need an update,sam

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March 12, 2008


Diane Dupuis
  put the baby near a window for natural light. Try with your lowest ISO to avoid noise (100 if possible). Make sure flash is turned off. You'll want a shutter speed if you're handholding of at least 1/60th.

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March 15, 2008

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