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Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

What went wrong with my Pictures?

I have been taking pictures for friends an family for a while now. Last year I was asked to take pictures of my neice for prom. I bought for the 1st time, Kodak Portra 400 NC. The day was very gloomy and rainning out. I took the pictures with my Canon EOS set to [P] on the settings. The pictures were great and it looked sunny instead of raining.

Now a year later I took pictures for my brothers weeding. and iused the same Film and camera. They were taking in a church. The pictures turn out bad. Their faces were white and nothing turnd out. Pleas help if you can.


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March 14, 2002


Jeff S. Kennedy
  Joe, we really have no way of knowing. If you're shooting on Program anything could have happened. It would help to know more about how you shot both times and if you used the same lab. But to really be able to help it would be nice to at least see the pictures.

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March 14, 2002

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