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Photography Question 

Lee Bogner

Compression or Not when storing on CD-R and RW

Good day!
I an planning to store more and more dig photos on CD-R and CD-RW and want to retain quality on the original shots in particular. I suspect that compression is not advisable especially for original shots which I take at Super High Quality. Am I correct in thinking that compressing digital photos on to CD-R/W, especially my original SHQ is not advisable when I want to keep the best quality image in storage? Your thoughts are appreciated! Lee

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February 22, 2002


doug Nelson
  As inexpensive as CD's have become, I don't compress my images at all. Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I think TIF format images compressed using the LZW compression lose no quality at all.
The very act of changing a TIF to a JPEG may cause some loss. If your camera captures in JPEG, convert to TIF before you do your editing (Levels, or curves, retouch)in TIF mode. Archive to CD as a TIF. Everything you do to a JPEG and save compromises image quality.

To put images on the web, convert the TIF to a JPEG. Compress only before you put the JPEG on the web. has good comments about this.

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February 22, 2002


Lee Bogner
  Thanks Doug for the confirmation and the input on TIF format! I have already begun this process. Regards, Lee

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February 26, 2002

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