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Category: New Answers

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member


I'm considering converting to slide film. My questions are: 1. Aside from the sharpeness, are there any guidelines to establish what is considered under/over exposure/contrast and grain? 2. What power of loupe is best? 3. Are loupes designed to cover the entire transparency?
4. Can a 35mm slide transparency be made to 70mm format? Thanks jeff

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February 19, 2002


Jeff S. Kennedy
  1. Under/over exposure is subjective. There may be an exposure that depicts the scene you shot accurately but that isn't necessarily the optimum exposure. Contrast, grain, and color saturation vary from film to film. Velvia is very fine grained, highly saturated, and relatively high in contrast. Provia 100F is perhaps even finer grained, a bit less saturated, and lower in contrast than Velvia. Experiment and see what you like.

2. A 4x loupe is probably the best all around loupe. To check for critical focus some people use 8x loupes but I haven't found that necessary for my work.

3. If you're shooting 35mm most loupes will cover the entire transparency.

4. Yes.

PS. Nice name.

Jeff K.


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February 19, 2002


BetterPhoto Member
  Hi Jeff K.
Thanks for the info. I'm having a roll of slides developed. It'll be interesting to see the results via the loupe. Jeff

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February 20, 2002

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