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Category: New Answers

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Lost photos

My problem is< I took my digital camera on vacation. When I arrived home and was about to retrieve my photos I noticed they had all vanished from the camera. My question is, could they have been erased when the camera was scaned by airport security? This digital camera is all new teritory to me. What is your idea as t o the problem and how to prevent this in the future.

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February 18, 2002


Ken Pang
  Hi Judi,

Airport X-rays cannot damage compact flash cards with the level of exposure that comes with it. Since most compact flash cards are "formatted", if some random erasure did occur like that, chances are, the flash card would be unusuable, until you format it again...

You must have lost it some other way.



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February 20, 2002

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