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BetterPhoto Member

Installing Digital Camera

Hi from Scarborough, North Yorks, UK. I have easily installed my scanner and have no problems with that.

But Santa Claus bought me a Fugifilm Finepix 1400 Zoom digital camera. I have installed and registered the camera, have removable disc 'E' showing on Control Panel (I run Windows Millenium) which apparantely tells me that my camera is connected. However, when I try to get pictures from the camera for PictureIt Express, Adobe, etc., it tells me the camera is not recognised. Edit Viewer came with the camera, and today I downloaded the pictures but it would only allow me to save one photo at a time, then I had to turn off and back on the camera to get the next photo on screen.

Sorry if I sound stupid, but this is all very new to me and the one person who could help (whizz kid step-son) has just started a new job in the south of England and won't be able to come home for a while. Can anyone help me please?

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January 24, 2002 - Jim Miotke

BetterPhoto Member
BetterPhoto Crew: King
Contact Jim Miotke
Jim Miotke's Gallery
  Hi Vinita,

Don't feel stupid - these kinds of questions are hard for everyone. This high-tech trouble shooting involves so many variables that it can be hard to pinpoint the problem.

Is it still giving you troubles? Have you tried calling the camera's technical support phone number? How are you connecting the camera to the computer?

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January 28, 2002


Paul Cramp

With the edit viewer it could be just a matter of holding down one of the CTRL or SHIFT keys to allow multiple file selection.

Are you using the picture shuttle program usually supplied with fuji cameras?

I have found that if you are downloading .TIF files you will have to open each file in the EzTouch program (supplied with the camera) and 'save as' because the camera uses a different .TIF colour space not recognised by Photoshop.

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January 29, 2002


Cathy Barrows
  Hi Vinita,

I got the Nikon D100 for Christmas and it accepted a different media than I had a card reader for so being anxious for my Christmas pics I tried to get them directly from the camera and could not. so my best advice is to spend between $20 and $ 30 USD and buy a card reader. Mine is made by ScanDisk and it accepts both medias that I now have.


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May 04, 2003

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