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Photography Question 

Jagadeesh Andrew Owens

Have to have business license for Good Photo Lab??

Hi all - I tried to have my first good photos ever developed. I knew that I wanted a good photo lab that would work with me to get the prints that I wanted, Wal-Mart and Wolf weren't going to be enough. The closest labs that I found were in Atlanta and Montgomery - both well over 100 miles from me. They were suggested to me by a very successful professional photographer here in my area. Well, when I called the places, they informed me that to make use of their professional imaging and printing services, I would have to obtain a business license, as these services were for "professional" photographers only!! Do any of you know of any labs that I can send my images to electronically and they will work with me on getting them how I want? If not, is getting a business license lengthy, difficult, and expensive? I need to find something because I had the shots developed at Wal-Mart & Wolf just to see, and they were atrocious. Please Help!!!

Many Thanks,
S. Andrew Owens

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December 09, 2005


Mark Feldstein
  You know Andrew, I've been in this biz for a very long time and no lab has ever, EVER asked me to produce any kind of credentials before processing film or doing prints. Apparently the labs you talked to evidently just don't want the business. It may be that their concern is whether you actually hold the copyright to the images you want to send them. In that case, if it comes up directly, just sign a note saying that you are the photographer and holder of the copyright to them. That's sufficient to get the lab off the hook for any infringement if the images aren't really yours. They ARE your images, aren't they?

Two labs I highly recommend are Isgo in Burbank, CA.
and Gamma photo in Chicago Sending them electronically, I don't know. I've always dealt with them either over the counter or by UPS/Fedex and by phone, of course. I'm sure others around here will recommend a lot of other labs you can do biz with and without the nonsense you described.

Biz license, if you REALLY want one, it's usually uncomplicated. Just go down to the county clerk's office or give them a call and ask them for an application and how much the fee is.

Take it Light

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December 09, 2005


Jagadeesh Andrew Owens
  Yes, of course they're my photos! It wasn't all labs, it was just this hick one down in Montgomery, Alabama. I've emailed a few in Atlanta and hope they can do what I need. (I want some weird sizes). I just didn't know if ALL labs were like that or if it was an exception. Thanks for your advice, and I think I'm going to try out Gamma if no one in Atlanta can help.

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December 09, 2005 - Robert Hambley

Contact Robert Hambley
Robert Hambley's Gallery
  Try checking into I love their service. (they are part of Miller's Professional Imaging).

Good Luck.

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December 09, 2005


BetterPhoto Member

Wow. That's the first I'vwe ever heard that one. I could understand why. From a purely snobbish viewpoint, they want to make sure that anyone who would be willing to get a license would unbelievably not be able not make a poor exposure and thus only the best of the world's images would then be printed in their lab, thus making them the best printer in the history of the world. (Wow, Ansel Adams must have just rolled over in his grave.)

Don't sweat them. Pick, I would venture to guess, ANY OTHER LAB IN THE GALAXY and you shouldn't have a problem.

Chris Walrath
Walrath Photographic Imaging

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December 10, 2005

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