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Category: New Answers

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Why aren't my pictures coming out clear?

When I first started using the camera with new batteries, it worked fine. I uploaded the pictures onto my computer and they came out clear. Then, later on in the day when I used my camera and uploaded the pictures onto my computer, the image I got back came back all messed up. Also, when I try to use it as a video camera, the same results happen. I don't think its a matter of light.
What's going wrong?

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November 28, 2002

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
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  Nobody answered. Oh well, it's been a year, but I'll try anyway. First, messed up can mean many things. Are they only good during the middle of the day, or only when you have fresh batteries, and what does messed up mean anyway. If they are dark, you film speed setting may not be high enough for later in the day. I know it's a digital camera, but I still say film speed.

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November 16, 2003

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