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Photography Question 

Haley Crites

nikon equipment

Should I buy the Nikon D70s and the 70-200 VR or should I spend more and buy a Nikon D200 but then buy the 18-200VR. I would be using this for portraiture, weddings, etc.
I currently have the D100, 18-70, and 50mm.

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April 06, 2007


Debby A. Tabb
I have all 3 of these pieces of equiptment, the D70 is wonderful camera, but the D200 is worth EVERY CENT!
what a difference between the two.
The VR lens is great! I soot with it or my Tamoron similar to this:
I do hope this helps,

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April 06, 2007


robert G. Fately
  Haley, I will second Debby's opinion that the D200 is an outstanding camera.

As for the lenses, though, there is a sizeable difference between the 18-200 and the 70-200, and I'm not just talking about obvious stuff like physical size or speed. I have both, and use them for different purposes.

The faster 70-200 allows for teriffic wedding and portrait work with its shallower DOF (at f2.8). It's also great for availabld light work when the church doesn't allow flash. But the 18-200's fantastic range make it a great lens for the reception, where you are trying to capture everything from the couple dancing in front of you to the kid playing with the flowers across the dance floor.

So I guess what I'm suggesting is that you think about what kinds of shots you'll mostly want to take, and choose the lens based on that.

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April 06, 2007


William Schuette
  Debbie, I have to concur. The D70 was my first DSLR. I now use the D2X and D200. I bought the D200 as a back up body after an accident caused a unexpected repairs to my D2X. Had I purchased the D200 first, I would never had purchased the D2X - it is that good. Get the D200 otherwise you will be forever second guessing yourself.


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April 08, 2007


Sharon Day
  I would pass on the D70s and get the D200. I'm getting a lot nicer photos with the D200. I've seen examples of bokeh with the 18-200 VR and have to say I thought the photos with the little donut shaped bokeh in the background was pretty awful for nature shots. I haven't seen examples in a reception setting so I can't comment on that but I sure wouldn't want to use that lens for closeups in nature. I tried out the 70-200VR. It's an awesome lens. It's still on my wish list.

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April 08, 2007

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