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Photography Question 

Michael E. Quintana

How To Layer Several Photos Into One

I have shot photos of a full golf swing, hoe do I layer them all into one photo? I use JASC Paint Shop Pro 8.

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August 04, 2005


Christopher A. Vedros
I'm not familiar with PSP8, so I don't know it's capabilities.

If it allows you to make layers in an image, then you want to copy and paste each of the images to separate layers in one file. Adjust the transparency of each layer to even amounts. If you have 4 images, use 25%, 5 images, use 20%, and so on. This is a starting point. Adjust the transparency more or less until it looks right.

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August 10, 2005


Michael H. Cothran
  In addition, I'm going to assume that you only want the golfer in the image, and not the background from each shot. If this is the case, you will first have to separate the golfer from the background. I too have never used PSP, so I can't say how to do that, If it's anything like Photoshop, you should have more than one means of selecting the golfer, then cutting him out. Once cut, you can then make each image a separate layer.
I am also presuming that you are going to layer each image on top of one another, so that the body remains close to the same, but the arms, club, etc all show the succession of shots. I've seen really old photos of this, and this is what I see in my mind that you are doing. I've got a similar shot in my gallery of my son in successive degrees of performing a cart wheel. The only difference is that my shots are not compiled on top of each other.
Michael H. Cothran

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August 10, 2005

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