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Category: Constructive Critique

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Flaming Cactus

  Flaming Cactus
Flaming Cactus
f/9, 1/50 sec, ISO 649,; EF 100mm f/2.8 Macro

Stephen Shoff


Stephen Shoff

Posted for feedback and suggestions.

Photographic intent: abstract fine art

Processing: RAW image imported through ACR to CS6 with no adjustments or cropping. Spent time working through the Color Efex Pro presets and experimented some with the global controls on many of the presets. Finally settled on a Viveza interpretation instead with decreases in brightness as structure and increases in contrast and saturation.

In CS6, reduced the opacity pf the Viveza layer to about 60% and added a small amount of desaturation to the greens.

I'd like to note for those have asked recently about the value of the NIK plugins...using the plugins was an easy way to look for potential interpretations. In Viveza, all the controls necessary were available in a single panel, i.e. ease of use, rather than having to build a set of layers in CS6. However, after settling on an interpretation, it was pretty easy to duplicate the effect in both CS6 and ACR. This interpretation, although possibly pushing the limits on saturation and contrast, is consistent with my pre-visualization when I took the image.

This interpretation is pretty true to the original color values although the increased saturation and contrast make it much more colorful. As I worked through the Color Efex Pro presets and some of the color intents, this image provides immense flexibility to tailor the color pallette to nearly any color scheme desired.

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May 22, 2013


Susan Williams
  Stephen, I like this image a lot as an abstract and fine art photography. The only thing I would do at this point is reduce what appears to be noise, especially in the greens.

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May 23, 2013


Dale Hardin
  I think your rendition works well Stephen. I see what Susan detects as noise but don't view it that way since the specks are elongated and appear to be texture.

the interruption in flow at the bottom of the large leaf on the right, does dominate the view though. I would suggest extending it down to cover the large expanse of green. Do not recommend a crop because it would eliminate key elements in the lower part of the oomp.

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May 23, 2013


Stephen Shoff
  It isn't noise, Susan, it is stipling on the surfaces of the leaves. Not to say it doesn't need to be dealt with, just don't know how to approach it. It is much larger in size than noise.

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May 23, 2013


Dale Hardin
  Stephen, if you do not like the look on the green areas, you can redo the Nik procedure after first selecting the green areas and placing them on another layer.

You can then apply different approaches to each element.

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May 23, 2013


Peter W. Marks
  So Stephen, they are not sticks of rhubarb then :0)
It certainly works for me as a fine-art image but I agree with Dale that it might be better with that abrupt cut-off of the main leaf extended to the bottom.
I do not have any of the Nik plugins so I have no idea what effects you guys are talking about with those. I have Topaz Adjust5 ; B&W2; Detail 3; and Simplify4 plugin filters and those are more than enough to have me reaching for the aspirin bottle.

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May 23, 2013


Stephen Shoff
  Nope, Peter. In my environs, this color combination is likely to come from yucca and eucalyptus, not from rhubarb. Although as a kid in Morro Bay, we did have a neighbor that grew rhubarb and would give us a pie occassionally. Ugly plant. Looks a lot like some weeds I have to pull. But love rhubarb pie.

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May 23, 2013


Dale Hardin
  Betty would never make rhubarb pie for me even though she knew I loved it. She said she could not find any pie tins long and narrow enough.

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May 23, 2013

- Rita K. Connell

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Rita K. Connell
Rita K. Connell's Gallery
  I really like this one I really like the the colors and lines. To me it doesn't look like noise, on my monitor it looks like the texture of the leaf. the Viveza is probably my most favorite plugin

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May 23, 2013


Peter W. Marks
  That had me laughing Dale!

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May 23, 2013


Kalena Randall
  I like this one, too! Pete, you're funny! Love the sense of humor!

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May 23, 2013


Jeff E Jensen
  I agree with Dale's assessment of the large leaf. Otherwise, looks good!

My grandma used to make rhubarb desert. Kind of a cross between pie and cake. Oh man was it good stuff!

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May 23, 2013


Stephen Shoff

Stephen Shoff

suggested edit

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May 23, 2013

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