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Category: How'd You Do That?

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Pretty Face

  Pretty Face
Pretty Face
f/16, 1/200 sec, ISO 400; EF 100mm f/2.8 Macro+Speedbooster

Photo taken on a Wildflower walk in the Marshall Gold Discovery State Historic Park, Coloma, CA. This is the site of John Marshal's discovery of gold at Sutter's Mill that started the California Gold Rush in 1849.

Stephen Shoff


Stephen Shoff

I was on my own wildflower walk today. This was an American River Conservancy naturalist-led walk that was focused on botany of native wildflowers. I was along for the exercise and photo-ops.

Shooting note: Photo taken handheld with using a NEX-7 and a Canon EF 100mm f/2.8 USM Macro lens attached via a Metabones Speedbooster adapter. This adapter is unique in that it allows the lens to be used at its rated focal length on on the NEX-7's APS-C sensor. In the process, it also increases the maximum aperture by 1 stop, from 2.8 to f2 in this case. This is primarily useful for wide-angle lenses.

The image is only cropped on the right to 4:5 aspect ratio from the sensor 4:6 proportions. The only sharpening is a little clarity in ACR. Slight hilite reduction in Shadow/Hilites to reduce some of the glare off the petals.

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April 27, 2013

- Michael Kelly

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Michael Kelly
Michael Kelly's Gallery
  Beautiful Stephen! I really like the composition and it looks like you were spot on with F16 to get the correct DOF for this shot. Great BG, and I love the two closed blossoms as a back stop for the main subject flower. The shot has a wonderful sweep to it from the partial flower in the front left up and through the closed blossoms.

Nicely done as it looks like your main subject was in direct sun but the back lighting helped to keep the shot soft rather than harsh as I often get in direct sun shots especially with yellow or red.

Looks like the lens combination worked well.

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April 28, 2013


Dale Hardin
  Excellent Stephen. Must agree with everything Mike said 'cause he don't lie. Much. :o)

All kidding aside, this is a well thought out and executed capture and is well done. Even so, I still think I would do just a bit more processing to get the most out of it.

As Mike mentioned, the main subject is in direct sun but the image as a whole is a bit flat. Give this a try to see if you like it. Duplicate and apply a 30% screen blend. Then apply a levels layer and move the mid-tone slider to the right to about o.60 to add a bit more contrast to the shadows.

Of course, since you are working with the original file, your settings might be just a tad different.

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April 28, 2013


Stephen Shoff
  Thanks for the comments. The purpose of my primary post was to provide a demonstration of a new technology that I have become quite excited about. So it was intended to be a very nearly SOOC demonstration image with only the bare essentials of post-processing rather than finished product. I was also looking for composition comments before deciding to work on this further. It was, Mike, those two petals in the bottom left corner that that I thought took this image to the next level. Thanks for the affirmation.

I will refine this image, Dale. Thanks for the suggestions.

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April 28, 2013


Stephen Shoff
  Pretty Face (edited)
Pretty Face (edited)

Stephen Shoff

Dale's suggestions

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April 28, 2013

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