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Category: Where Was This Made?

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A Future Naturalist

  A Future Naturalist
A Future Naturalist
Sarasota, FL.

Elaine Hessler


Elaine Hessler

Hi everyone-sorry I've been out of touch, but we were in FL and I am just catching up on things. We went on a very special kayaking trip last Sunday, and I so badly wanted to take my Nikon camera, but I was afraid it would get wet. So this (again) was taken with my iPhone camera (it would cost less to replace the phone if it got wet).

This is one of my favorite pics from the trip. I did have to straighten it, so I lost a bit of the oar at the top due to the loss of the upper right corner (it was tilted to the left). If this bothers anyone, I can easily recrop and add canvas to the top of the image.

I think one of my favorite things about this picture is that you can't see Erin's face, I just caught her in the act of enjoying the trip.

Any suggestions would be appreciated!

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April 09, 2013


Dale Hardin
  I tend to critique before reading the text, so had already decided what I was going to suggest.

Guess what? What bothered me most was that I could not see her face. :o)

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April 09, 2013


Jeff E Jensen
  I agree with Elaine on this one, I like that yo can't see her face. It ads some mystery to the image. The clipped oar doesn't bother me.

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April 10, 2013

- Rita K. Connell

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Rita K. Connell
Rita K. Connell's Gallery
  I agree also, that I think not seeing her face adds to the mystery of this shot.

Question is.....can I make it all the way there and back without tipping? Especially with her backpack sitting there.

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April 10, 2013


Kalena Randall
  I like that she is in mystery, too. I have found that some shots only come once and we had better take them while we can. This looks like you were having a good time with your family! :-)

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April 10, 2013

- Michael Kelly

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Michael Kelly
Michael Kelly's Gallery
  First of all the most important thing in any photo is that you like it. If you do then it is fine, and if you don’t then it is not good no matter what the technical merits or lack of merit the shot has.

In general when there is a person in a photo we need to see at least a partial face to make the shot work. There are exceptions to this when we are looking at a scene that a person is staring into or a back light situation of a scene where a person is incidental to the scene. An example of this would be an aquarium scene with a silhouette figure looking through the glass.

To get specific on this shot: it has nice color, clarity, and the overall composition is nice, but for me the scene is not strong enough to carry the shot where a person is the strongest element and there is not even a hint of a face showing. Clipping the edge of a shot with a definitive object such as the paddle is usually a problem but in this case it is such a small element and you can easily see what it is that it does not bother me. Overall for me the shot does not work well, but I refer you back to the first paragraph.

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April 10, 2013


Elaine Hessler
  I completely understand where most of you are coming from. I think the reason why I like this so much is because it is more meaningful to me, and it is a different angle of my daughter that I usually don't photograph.

I do agree about the background of the water and a bit of foliage-it is just so-so and I can see your point, it just doesn't add much.

So I get where you guys are coming from and I do appreciate the insight-I was wondering from an outsider's point of view what you would think.

Funny how the meaning can make a photograph so special. I also like this one so much because of the memory of the day:)

I may print this for Erin and put it in her beach-themed bedroom. I just find it very calming to look at.

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April 10, 2013

- Rita K. Connell

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Rita K. Connell
Rita K. Connell's Gallery
  I look at this again, and I still like it I would print it. Its nice to see a teenager pondering... we make big choices everyday...pondering is GOOD!

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April 11, 2013


Beth Spencer
  I think the important thing is you like it. The oar does not bother me. Her face not showing does not bother me, It looks like she is having fun! It is a memory you will cherish.

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April 11, 2013


Peter W. Marks
  Hi Elaine. I think bits of what everyone has said reflects my own thinking. I guess I would play around with the sky though as it is just a little weak compared with the nicely saturated colors of the kayak and your daughter's hair and sweater.
Not seeing her face isn't a biggy but with the advantage of hindsight it would have been great if after making this shot you had called out to her and she had looked back over her shoulder towards you.

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April 12, 2013

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