Photo Discussion
Category: Constructive Critique

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Hold me

  Hold me
Hold me

Stephen Shoff

  Now its play time
Now its play time

Stephen Shoff


Stephen Shoff

Which one of these says "pet" better? This is for my local photo club's "monthly challenge" print competition. It is very informal -- one image submitted for the theme, winner picked by attendees rating each picture on a scale of 1 to 10. Top score wins. While the evaluations are supposed to be done based on image quality, in this kind of judging, "cute" will always prevail.

For the first, "Hold Me", I've already taken are of the excessive blue in the printed version.

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March 14, 2013


Dale Hardin
  For me "Hold me" is the winner because it is more defined. By that I mean, it draws you in right away, while the second one looks as if snapped the shutter at the wrong time. Just a perception, mind you.

Also I like the compositional look of the first one better with the L shaped left border helping to frame the bird.

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March 14, 2013


Elaine Hessler
  I like the first one too. Is this your bird? If so, what kind?

I like the cocked head in the first one and it is kind of cute you have a painting in the back that looks like it is of your bird. The clipped wings are bothering me in the second picture. I know itis a necessity-you are a good bird owner!

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March 15, 2013


Jeff E Jensen
  I agree, the first is stronger. I like how the image on the wall ties into the story.

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March 15, 2013

- Rita K. Connell

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Rita K. Connell
Rita K. Connell's Gallery
  I agree the first one is stronger, I also notice the picture in the b/g and thought the same thing. looks like a smart guy!

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March 15, 2013


Stephen Shoff
  The bird is a Molluccan Cockatoo. It is my neighbor's pet. The painting in the background is from a picture I took of the bird the day she brought the bird home.

Good catch, Elaine. The obviously clipped wings were bothering me too. I really wanted a picture with action. The bird's color doesn't show up either unless the feathers are spread. But the balance within the picture just isn't good enough. It would be a lot harder to get a picture of the bird with owner interaction. So I'm using the painting to imply the family relationship.

Thanks, all, for the feedback.

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March 15, 2013


Beth Spencer
  My vote is for the first one! I like the composition and the expression on the bird the best. I also noticed the picture in the background, is it the same guy? Is he yours?

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March 15, 2013


Stephen Shoff
  Nutmeg (portrait)
Nutmeg (portrait)

Stephen Shoff

Thought I'd put up the original used for the portrait. Wish I could take credit for how good it is, but it was total luck. The nearly solid black background was from sliding glass door with an external shutter that was closed behind the bird stand.

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March 15, 2013

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