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Category: How'd You Do That?

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Dale's Challenge

  Dale's Challenge
Dale's Challenge

Elaine Hessler


Elaine Hessler

Hi everyone-just to let you know, opportunity knocked, and my iPhone was close by. My daughter is 12, so moments like these can be pretty rare. Maybe it had to do with the fact that she got in BIG trouble the night before...

So, feel free to critique. I just wanted to let you know this was not my camera of choice, but I thought it fitting for the challenge, which was a tough one:)

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March 14, 2013


Dale Hardin
  Elaine, this is perfect for the challenge. And it's not the camera that is the key here, it is the moment. Well done.

Also this is a great image for learning how to use PSE to the next level. I'm going to send you an email with some changes and if you like them, I'll make a tutorial for you.

As a clue, they include a way to balance the coloring between your daughter and you, get rid of that mottled blue distration in the background, minor cropping, and an overall balance of tones for the image. Also how to open this in the raw editor and use it's tools.

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March 14, 2013


Beth Spencer
  What a priceless moment! Cherish those, because she will grow up before you know it!! I look forward to seeing any edits.

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March 14, 2013


Elaine Hessler
  Yea! Thank you for saying that. There was no way this moment was going to be captured with my good camera, but I remembered that Jeff submitted a nice picture taken with his iPhone, so I thought it would be ok. I'll see what I can do with it!

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March 14, 2013


Brandi K. Mills
  Oh this photo is perfect for the challenge! So much love in this photo!
I also have a 12 year old in my home (boy)...

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March 14, 2013


Jeff E Jensen

Dale is right, the most important piece of technology in creating a good image is the one behind the camera. I've captured some pretty fantastic images with my phone (not an iPhone as I work for a competitor).

My oldest just turned 14, teenagers are fun!

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March 15, 2013

- Rita K. Connell

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Rita K. Connell
Rita K. Connell's Gallery
  thank goodness my teenager never wanted to stop being hug....but then again I did say to them Hey this is for me not you....!!! they would laugh and hug me back.

I like that you capture such a tender moment. your beauty shows in both of you!

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March 15, 2013


Peter W. Marks
  And Elaine, you have made me laugh as I notice your um, unusual hair and the image is adjacent to Dale's sheep with a not disimilar hair style!
I so like this Elaine and your daughter's expression reminds me of why my wife chose to teach art to 6, 7 and 8th grade kids. Every night she comes home with art work to grade and with stories of kids just like yours.

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March 16, 2013


Elaine Hessler
  Funny-did you see on Dale's photo, I wrote that I could relate to the sheep? I thought it was funny too.

Edits on the way.....

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March 16, 2013


Debbie E. Payne
  Elaine, I think this is a wonderful picture and I think you should continue to go forward with it. Great challenges image. Maybe a good April challenge would be a phone image from all the rest of us. I so look forward to meeting you in person!

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March 16, 2013


Elaine Hessler
  Erin and Me
Erin and Me

Elaine Hessler

Hi Everyone-here is an edited version of the photo. Dale provided an EXCELLENT tutorial, and boy, did I learn a lot! It's not perfect, but good enough for me at this point. What do you think?

And Debbie, I do like that challenge of using a phone image. And I look forward to meeting you too!

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March 18, 2013

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