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Santa, I have been a Good Girl!! Editor's Pick  
Santa, I have been a Good Girl!!
Santa, I have been a Good Girl!!
Canon EOS 7D, Tamron 18-270mm lens, f/5, 1/60, ISO 400, flash used.

Beth Spencer


Beth Spencer

I was trying to do Dale's Challenge and get the tree, grandkids and the dogs, none of them was working well. Tomorrow will be a new day!
I talked Dazzle into laying still for a while with her New Christmas hat!!
I am going to Tell Everyone that I hope you all have a Most Wonderful Merry Christmas! I hope everyone will be able to spend some quality time with those they love.
Rocky is scheduled to get his New Knee the day after Christmas. I may be a bit busy and not be able to post as much but I will try!!

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December 16, 2012


Jeff E Jensen
  Well, I have my doubt's about Dazzle being good this year, she looks a bit guilty!

Wow, Rocky must have been really good for Santa to be bringing him a new knee for Christmas!

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December 17, 2012


Debbie E. Payne
  She looks like she would make a great playmate for Sampson. He is crazy about other dogs especially other goldens and labs. I think I need to find him a hat of some kind but have a feeling it wouldn't stay on long enough to get a picture. Good for you! Good luck to Rocky. May his recovery be much speedier than mine. I have just started PT and I believe that I hurt from all the exercise and the walking.

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December 17, 2012

- Rita K. Connell

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Rita K. Connell
Rita K. Connell's Gallery
  so cute, but I have to say dazzle doesn't look pleased.

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December 17, 2012


Dale Hardin
  She looks as if she can't wait for the picture taking to be over. :o)

Tell Rocky good luck. My dad had both replaced and after that I couldn't keep up with him on his walks. Also my pal from New Zealand had both replaced and walked rough trail with me for miles on our trip, so Rocky should look forward to getting this done and hitting the road. Merry Christmas.

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December 17, 2012


Brandi K. Mills
  So sweet! And he does look like a very good girl :)

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December 17, 2012


Beth Spencer
  I think she was just tired of me putting hats on her, but she really has been a good girl!
Debbie I hope that soon you will be back to normal. That has to be so frustrating!

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December 18, 2012

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