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Category: Constructive Critique

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My niece Sophia, who served as flower girl at my sister Kathleen's wedding in Iceland this summer; having worked up a thirst after her wedding duties!

Chris Budny - Chris Budny

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Chris Budny
Chris Budny's Gallery

Shot handheld, indoors, side window light, with a little girl who doesn't stand still much at all... ;) I'm *NOT* a people photographer by tradition, so feel free to let me know where all this image is off. Her right eye (ie closest to left edge of image) was pretty soft; I cloned her other eye over it to try and enhance the sharpness there - I think my DOF was just too shallow (trying to get a fast shutter speed at the time.)

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October 22, 2012


Stephen Shoff
  I'm not a people photographer either, so I seldom comment on these. However, I think this one is pretty incredible. In particular, I like the color combinations. To me, the green straw is a great accent. I'll let others comment on DOF. The catch light in the left eye is exemplary and probably makes the rest fall into place. The soft texture and almost translucence in the hand is pretty unusual, too.

Welcome to the club.

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October 22, 2012


Elaine Hessler
  Wow-I didn't even notice the softness of the eye until you mentioned it. This is beautiful and I like the tilt. The subject is adorable and I like the use of the filter (?). Gives it a nice touch.

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October 23, 2012


Debbra Bailey
  I think this is beautiful as well. A great moment :) Her main eye is sharp, and I didn't notice the softness of the other one either.... you did a great job using the cloning!

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October 23, 2012


Aimee C. Eisaman
  Love the diagonal feel to the composition. You got in nice and tight to eliminate the background which is great. If this were a shot of one of my kids I'd probably go the extra mile to black out or remove anything remaining in the background. Slight DOF differences in eyes never have bothered me esp. in lighting like this. In the way of suggestions based on my personal taste I would say to use the dodge tool set to highlights on her eyes...not too much though. You also might want to do an adjustment layer and selectively desaturate the cyan channel because I'm seeing that color cast on her face or maybe it's'd see once you started playing with it. Some may say to add a warming filter to this, but I like cool images esp. with window light so if you want to give it a try and see what it looks like go for it. :~)

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October 23, 2012

- Michael Kelly

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Michael Kelly
Michael Kelly's Gallery
  Chris as I warned you sometimes you will get conflicting opinions and suggestions.

First I think this is a wonderful shot. I like the hand and glass position and as Stephen mentioned the straw. I don't disagree with Aimee as to the white balance as the cool light from the window makes this rather cool overall shot work as shown. I would prefer it warmer as I don't care for the tones in the whites of the eyes. One click of the white balance tool on the white portion of the photo left eye will show you what a different look you could achieve here. Of course you could also selectively change the WB of the eyes and leave the rest cool if that is your preference after having seen a warmer version.

The DOF is a bit to narrow for the shot and I think it would have been even better with just a stop more, however the shot works as shown and there is not a lot more you can do about that than you have already done.

Great first post and again welcome to the club.

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October 23, 2012 - Chris Budny

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Chris Budny
Chris Budny's Gallery
  Thanks for the inputs... something fun to explore tonight when I get home! I do think the whites of her eyes need some work, now that you mention it. I may attempt to clone out or deeply darken the diagonal white "rectangle" above her left shoulder. I don't mind the cooler tones on her skin, but I may try a warm-up too---the combination of NIK filters I applied to this image is still saved as a Recipe, so I can see what I did---I think I put a Sunlight in the mix (which would have warmed it up a bit from the original.) I should post the original here, too, so you can see that...

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October 23, 2012 - Chris Budny

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Chris Budny
Chris Budny's Gallery
  Sophia - Orig File
Sophia - Orig File

Chris Budny

Uploading original RAW capture.

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October 23, 2012

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