Low Lying Rails [Perspective]
Uploaded: April 08, 2003 18:29:33
Taken with a Nikon F65 (same day and bridge tracks as previous entry), hand held, available lighting, manual focus, auto settings, 300 mm lens, photo unedited from original with (again, except for the border), Kodak b/w film.
Gene Gitman April 08, 2003
Good photo. We share a taste in bold classic black and white photography. I hope you do well with this one! #29743Loralee Legacy May 26, 2019
Thanks Gene! Black and white seem to have so much more character and depth, especially where people are concerned (and they are also that much harder to shoot, I find, since there are no colours for definition, only lines and expression). Thanks for your encouragement! #78544Damian P. Gadal May 26, 2019
Wonderful! #78552Debbie S. May 26, 2019
Very dramatic viewpoint Loralee! Nice perspective. #78737Damian P. Gadal May 26, 2019
Love this shot! Congrats! #100638Sign up for an interactive online photography course to get critiques on your photos.
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