Run Run Run!! [Funny Dog Photos]
Uploaded: February 15, 2010 12:59:33
Exif: F Number: 4.5, Exposure Bias Value: 0.00, ExposureTime: 1/1250 seconds, Flash: did not fire, compulsory flash mode, ISO: 100, White balance: Auto white balance, FocalLength: 200.00 mm, Model: Canon EOS 7D
Liz blahh February 15, 2010
Way too adorable! Excellent capture and detail! #1239224
Bonnie C. Lackey
February 15, 2010
Gary Enloe February 15, 2010
Awesome capture Anna. Looks to be having a blast in the snow. Great detail & colorGary #8385292
Patti Coblentz February 15, 2010
There's that cute little doggie again!!! He is so adorable and I love your series of him. Great details!
Erica Murphy
February 15, 2010
Anna Diederich February 18, 2010
Thanks Everybody! #8391756Tammy Espino March 26, 2010
Congrats on an awesome finalist :) #8482584
Erica Murphy
March 26, 2010
Bojan Bencic
March 26, 2010
Stefania Barbier
March 26, 2010
Patti Coblentz March 26, 2010
Just so cute...and a favorite!!! Congratulations, Anna!Patti #8483811
Phyllis H. Burchett March 26, 2010
Congrats on this adorable capture! #8485250Resa V March 26, 2010
Congrats on your finalists! Beautiful capture. #8485395
Anne M. Young
March 26, 2010
Mitch Spence
March 27, 2010
Elida Gutierrez
March 27, 2010
Renee Doyle March 27, 2010
So adorable!!! Congratulations on this wonderful finalist Anna!! #8488744Anna Diederich March 27, 2010
Thanks everybody! #8488891
Patrick Rouzes
March 28, 2010
Renee Doyle March 28, 2010
WTG Anna!!! Congratulations on this wonderful winner!! #8491912Donna La Mattino Pagakis March 28, 2010
So cute Anna! Congratulations on your win! #8492017
Bojan Bencic
March 28, 2010
Cindy Bendush
March 28, 2010
Jennifer L. Alder March 29, 2010
Yay!!! Big congrats, Anna, on this adorable winner :) #8492227Mary K. Robison March 29, 2010
CONGRATULATIONS on your well-earned win, Anna! What a "fierce" cutie! #8492345Ujjwal Mukherjee March 29, 2010
HUGE congratulations,Anna!! #8492704Amy M. Wilson March 29, 2010
Big congrats on your fantastic Second Place winner, Anna!!! #8492741Anna Diederich March 29, 2010
Thank you all so very much!!! #8492762Patti Coblentz March 29, 2010
Congratulations on your 2nd place win, this image!!!Patti #8492930
Monnie Ryan March 29, 2010
WTG - congratulations on your win! #8493479
Shelly A. Van Camp
March 29, 2010
Daniella Puente March 29, 2010
So wonderful:)))))) congrats Anna! #8493683Bunny Snow March 29, 2010
Your composition of this pup plowing up the powder head first during his runs is charming. It brings back memories of my Fraulein bounding and snorkeling through the deep snow in Wyoming, coming up with a head of white fluff.Well captured with wonderful tonality and composition. Congratulations on your second place winner, Anna.
Judy A. Lawhon March 29, 2010
Wooo Hooo....congrats, Anna!! Your pup is so photogenic!!!! #8493977
Heidi Brand
March 29, 2010
Sonya L. Hatfield-Hall March 29, 2010
Oh, a snoworkie, so very cute. Congratulations on the adorable fun inspiring image. #8494188
Mary Beth Aiello
March 29, 2010
Erica Murphy
March 29, 2010
Anna Diederich March 29, 2010
Thank you all so much! #8495050Sam Britt March 29, 2010
Big congrats on this terrific 2nd Place win, Anna! #8495114
Patrick Rouzes
March 29, 2010
Evy Johansen
March 29, 2010
Stefania Barbier
March 29, 2010
Usman M. Bajwa
March 29, 2010
UB. #8496286
Anna Diederich March 30, 2010
Thank you so much everybody! #8497448Susana Ms Heide March 30, 2010
So perfectly sharp! WOW!! Huge CONGRATS Anna on your second place WIN!!! #8498417Rony Sagy April 02, 2010
Huge congratulations on this fantastic win, Anna. #8505848Julie Christiansen April 06, 2010
How adorable and congrats. #8514039
Christine Lobsinger
January 13, 2011
Aimee S. McMaster January 24, 2011
....congratulations Anna,on your most amazing image,I love it! #9189799Inge Linden March 07, 2012
Excellent-beautiful! #10027212
Nancy L. Green
June 07, 2016
Vicki J. Mudd June 07, 2016
Congratulations on your POTD and other gold awards. This so cute it made me smile. #11483173
Amanda D. Austwick
June 07, 2016
Patricia A. Casey
June 07, 2016
Lydia Williams
June 08, 2016
John D. Roach
June 08, 2016
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