Uploaded: December 24, 2009 21:29:53
Dominick M. Dimacale
December 25, 2009
Dominick #1219412
Daniella Puente December 25, 2009
So sweet and beautiful....
Nancyj E. Hovey
January 18, 2010
Nikki McDonald
January 18, 2010
Mary Beth Aiello
January 19, 2010
Usman M. Bajwa
January 20, 2010
UB. #8314636
Dominick M. Dimacale
January 20, 2010
Dominick #8316658
Dianna Murphy January 20, 2010
A big warm hearted congratulations to you on your fantastic winner!!! I wish you continued success in the future.
Craig W. Myers
January 20, 2010
Rob Jensen January 20, 2010
Thank you all for your kind words regarding my photo. It is my first photo to actually place in the contest, and I am very excited. I've had one other finalist, and many Editor's Picks, but the quality of work that is posted here on a monthly basis makes it very special to achive an actual winner. I've learned a lot over the years from this site, and plan on exploring all of your albums.To make this photo, I used natural light through a window on an overcast winter day. The lens was a fixed 50mm at ISO 400, 1/160 sec and f/2.8. I made the photo in RAW format and used Adobe Lightroom to develop it with a sepia tone.
Rob J. #8317755
Kara L. Hendricks January 25, 2010
Donna La Mattino Pagakis January 26, 2010
Priceless Rob! Congratulations on your win! #8330607Sign up for an interactive online photography course to get critiques on your photos.
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