Uploaded: November 19, 2009 16:55:46
Ricketts Glen State Park ,Canon 17-40 L,Tiffen circular polarizer filter, tripod with cable release, No PS, only cropped, colors from the real life.
Glenn E. Traver November 19, 2009
Thank you Brian ~ GT #8146112
Guy D. Biechele
November 19, 2009
Jeff Robinson
November 19, 2009
Glenn E. Traver November 19, 2009
Thank you Guy and Jeff ~ GT #8146188Thomas E. Hinds November 19, 2009
Beautiful image full of color and beautiful light, terrific water flow! Really awesome! #8146192Robert Jensen November 19, 2009
Outstanding capture - a definite winner #8146320Glenn E. Traver November 19, 2009
Thank you Thomas ~ GT #8146321Tad Bowman November 19, 2009
Beautiful shot Glenn. Love the colors and composition. #8146405Liz blahh November 19, 2009
Beautiful image, comp, colors and detail! #8146552Toni Riggs November 20, 2009
Gorgeous fall colors! #8146604
Randy D. Dinkins
November 20, 2009
Julie Burnett November 20, 2009
Stunning, gorgeous, awesome, Glenn. #8147059Chris Schlosser November 20, 2009
What color, Glenn! This is just beautiful. #8147095
Lindley Johnson
November 20, 2009
Hal Bambrick November 20, 2009
Just STUNNING!!!!!!. #8147919Glenn E. Traver November 20, 2009
Thank you Tad, Liz, Toni, Randy, Julie, Chris, Lindley, and Hal ~ GT #8148742James Reininger November 20, 2009
Cooooooooooool.... Great colors!!! #8148773Glenn E. Traver November 20, 2009
Thank you James ~ GT #8149119Glenn E. Traver November 20, 2009
Thank you Robert ~ GT #8149135
Debra P. Chenault
November 20, 2009
Debra P. Chenault
November 20, 2009
Glenn E. Traver November 21, 2009
Thank you Debra ~ GT #8150135
Tania Bounader
November 21, 2009
Glenn E. Traver November 21, 2009
Thank you Tania ~ GT #8151027Karen E. Baumann November 21, 2009
I agree, this needs to be on a wall... especially for all of winter... to gaze at and remember. Very nice, Glenn! #8151682Glenn E. Traver November 23, 2009
Thank you Karen ~ GT #8156013Wendy Moghadam May 15, 2011
Brilliant color! I love the sharpness of the details contrasting with the softness of the water! This is a winner. #9405749Debra R. Harder May 22, 2011
This is a MASTERPIECE, Glenn!! Incredibly BEAUTIFUL...and a winner all the way. Going right into my FAVS! Deb #9422444Glenn E. Traver September 05, 2011
Thank you Windy and Deb ~ GT #9654972Donna La Mattino Pagakis June 30, 2013
Wow, what a scene, so beautiful Glenn. Congratulations!!! #10749805Nancy Marie Ricketts June 30, 2013
Congratulations, Glenn, on your fantastic finalist! #10750352Renee Doyle July 01, 2013
Congratulations on this excellent First Place Winner Glenn! #10751025Colette M. Metcalf July 01, 2013
Congratulations on your Win, Glenn!!! #10751051
Linda D. Lester
July 01, 2013
Terry Cervi
July 01, 2013
Dayna Cain
July 01, 2013
JO ANN CLEVELAND July 01, 2013
Congratulations on this awesome First Place winner Glenn!jo ann c. #10751440
G .G. Leger July 01, 2013
Congrats,soo..beautiful! #10751631Debra R. Harder July 01, 2013
Happy to see you won First Place on this beauty, Glenn. So well-deserved. Truly amazing landscape. #10751659Kathryn Wesserling July 01, 2013
Autumn in the Finger Lakes (and at the waterfalls in particular) is so beautiful. You captured that "real" beauty perfectly for this well-deserved Win. Congratulations. #10751696
Ann Lyssenko
July 01, 2013
Denny E. Barnes
July 01, 2013
Lindley Johnson
July 01, 2013
Merna L. Nobile July 01, 2013
With half of the year gone, I am sure that many beautiful photographs have been taken and entered on Better Photo, including yours.Lana Arcemont July 01, 2013
Gorgeous color and veiling!Glenn E. Traver July 02, 2013
Thank you All for the wonderful comments, They are very much appreciated ~ GT #10753717
Nancy L. Green
July 02, 2013
Tad Bowman July 02, 2013
Congratulations Glenn. Nice image. #10754499Glenn E. Traver July 03, 2013
Thank you Nancy and Tad ~ GT #10755459
Patrick Rouzes
July 03, 2013
Carmody Baker July 03, 2013
Great job. Congratulations Glenn. #10755597
Usman M. Bajwa
July 03, 2013
UB. #10755695
Glenn E. Traver July 07, 2013
Thank you Patrick, Carmody and Usman ~ GT #10759137
Mary Beth Aiello
July 10, 2013
Karen K. Givens
July 10, 2013
Graeme yew Chow July 11, 2013
Glenn, Wow! great photo and huge congratulations!. Actually those you taken before is good as this one but this time the colors of autumn leafs was more and richer. #10763630Paul D. July 30, 2013
I agree with Graeme, this is the shot we'd all love to get! Congrats (a little late...) #10787209Glenn E. Traver August 04, 2013
Thank you Mary Beth, Karen, Graeme, and Paul ~ GT #10795893
Amanda D. Austwick
October 24, 2016
Harriet Feagin
October 24, 2016
Chuck Green
October 24, 2016
Rosemary Sampson
October 24, 2016
Mike F. Anderson October 24, 2016
Beautiful Glenn. Perfectly executed! Deserves all that gold. #11530060
Patricia A. Casey
October 24, 2016
Deborah Lewinson
October 24, 2016
Carol Marsh
October 24, 2016
Carol Marsh
October 24, 2016
Joy Bello October 24, 2016
Gorgeous!! Takes my breath away!! I long to be back east when I see beautiful autumn shots like this. #11530192Paula Showen October 28, 2016
Beautiful job on the soft flow of the water. Great exposure and motion! #11531354
John D. Roach
October 28, 2016
Glenn E. Traver October 30, 2016
Thank you All for the wonderful comments and I hope you make it out to capture some great fall colors ~ GT #11532096Sign up for an interactive online photography course to get critiques on your photos.
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