The Big Cover-up

Uploaded: June 01, 2005 02:23:22


aperture f8; shutter 1/800; ISO 400; tripod; While out shooting "Old" Atlanta I saw this workman...Image is cropped , slightly saturated and sharpened.


Roxanne M. Bubar June 01, 2005

Wonderful capture. Great title. Love the colors. #256592

Tammy Scott June 01, 2005

Very cool find and shot, Vicki! #1417219

Stephanie Lyons June 01, 2005

Great eye Vicki! I love the colors and composition on this image! #1417258

Kerby Pfrangle June 01, 2005


Very unique and different image.

Nice color's and detail.

Kerby #1417259

Colleen Braun June 01, 2005

great capture... #1417339

Paul Conlan June 01, 2005

I love this photo Vicki! I just wish that I had taken it! Ha... Great vision to see this one coming and capture it. The composition is very good and the way the red color carries through from the ladder, suspenders and part of the sign. Great! #1417374

Cindy Paquette June 01, 2005

WAY cool shot Vicki!!! Love this...a slice of life that we don't often see...we only see the results!! Great comp and colors! #1417396

Carla Metzler June 01, 2005

Cool shot, Vicki! #1417435

Agnes Fegan level-deluxe June 01, 2005

This is great these shots of daily life! #1417468

Vicki Hunt June 01, 2005

Thanks everyone! Paul, I'm just trying to be like out for Paul's website!)Sanjay, your comment is on another page... I have to be gone all day and will visit your galleries later! Have a wonderful day!
vicki #1417649

Debra Booth June 01, 2005

You really do have a great eye and sense of timing, Vicki! This is just a super image! #1417798

Linda D. Lester level-classic June 01, 2005

Love the colors...Great find Vicki! #1417887

Laurence Saliba level-classic June 01, 2005

Perfect title Vicki!!!!! Fantastic find, capture and colour!!!!!!!!! #1419360

April Riggs June 01, 2005

This is great! #1419399

cj patterson June 01, 2005

great eye! awesome shot! #1419494

Laura Clay-Ballard June 01, 2005

gorgeous colors! I can see why it caught your eye! Great job. #1419512

Donna La Mattino Pagakis June 01, 2005

Great find, cool image!! I love it Vicki! #1419573

Shelly A. Van Camp level-classic June 01, 2005

Very cool, Vicki! Shelly #1419869

Terry L. Ellis level-classic June 01, 2005

Excellent, Vicki!! Incredible color and comp. #1420039

Marsha S. Smith June 01, 2005

Such a great shot, Vicki! I love all the brilliant colors! Wonderful slice of life! #1420218

Cathy Barrows June 01, 2005

is paul rubbing off on you..l.great shot...we did go to ABG and it was alot of fun...another new BP would you like to shoot downtown June 23rd at night perhaps with Paul and wes #1420671

Vicki Hunt June 01, 2005

Cathy, I just emailed you! That sounds great! Thanks everyone for all these encouraging comments! #1420683

DiAnna F. Paulk June 02, 2005

Man, am I going to have to re-schedule my trip to Scottsboro on the 23rd so I can skip over to Atlanta!!!???

Great photo and title, Vicki. I really need this one for my photo club scavenger hunt!! Wish I'd been there with you.

Glad you liked the "Three Balloons" photo. I think it was my favorite of the fill-the-frame-with-the-designs-and-color image. #1423875

Melissa L. Zavadil July 23, 2005

Congratulations on this very well deserved finalist!! Great shot Vicki!! #1626253

S J July 23, 2005

Congratulations on this outstanding Finalist, Vicki!! #1626345

KHAWLA Haddad July 23, 2005

Congratulations on this wonderful finalist!!!!!!!. #1627507

Tammy Scott July 23, 2005

Congratulations, Vicki! Way to go! #1629459

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