Native American Spirit ~ [Ethnicity & Culture Photographs]
Uploaded: August 27, 2009 12:06:12
Photo take up at the Heber Valley Pow-Wow 2009. Slow shutter speed, enhanced slightly in PSCS 3. Thank you for looking ~
~monthly theme ** creative power ~
Exif: F Number: 5.6, Exposure Bias Value: 0.00, ExposureTime: 10/100 seconds, Flash: did not fire., ISO: 320, White balance: Manual white balance, FocalLength: 200.00 mm, Model: NIKON D300
Michelle Alton August 27, 2009
What a fantastic idea! Well executed too. #1173311
Dr Silly
August 27, 2009
Les Rhoades
August 27, 2009
Erika Haight August 27, 2009
Luck gots nutin to do about it Rhoades ;)Thanks for all the great comments everyone!
xo #7893305
Jean E. Hildebrant August 27, 2009
Lol, at the luck reply! Of course luck has nothin to do with it! ;-) Gorgeous colors, my little friend! #7893511Erika Haight August 27, 2009
Little had nothing to do with it either Jean!! ;) You guys are the best!!!Linda Blair August 27, 2009
Awesome MT the show of movement and those gorgeous colors...well done!!!!!!! #7894037Joy Rector August 28, 2009
cool #7895896Mike Clime August 28, 2009
This is really cool! Great idea! #7896424Erika Haight August 28, 2009
:) Thanks Linda, Joy, and Mike! :)Anne McKinnell August 31, 2009
Beautiful shot Erika! I love the contrasting colours and the wonderful sense of movement you have captured here. Great job! #7903855Stan Kwasniowski August 31, 2009
Erika, beautiful, I enjoy Pow Wow's #7903930Cesar J. La Rosa September 19, 2009
Congratulations on this FABULOUS Finalist, Erika!!!
Stefania Barbier
September 19, 2009
Katarina Mansson September 20, 2009
How can I have missed this before?! This is outstanding Erika! Love the colors, patterns, movement...creative power INDEED! Hope to see this again soon... #7957903
Nancyj E. Hovey
September 20, 2009
Linda Blair September 20, 2009
I love this....congratulations on your finalist!!!!!! #7959237
Patrick Rouzes
September 20, 2009
Jeana Clark September 20, 2009
~J~ #7961656
Terry L. Ellis
September 20, 2009
Donna La Mattino Pagakis September 20, 2009
Remarkable action and creative use of shutter Erika. A lovely photograph, congratulations on your finalist! #7963301
Les Rhoades
September 20, 2009
Congrats on your FINALIST! #7963740
Sam Britt September 20, 2009
Congratulations, Erika! #7963848Linda L. Ruiz September 20, 2009
You should enter this in this contest:
Dr Silly
September 21, 2009
Mitch Spence
September 21, 2009
Datha Y. Thompson September 21, 2009
C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S ! ! ! #7969152Wendy Moghadam September 21, 2009
Love, love, love it! Very creative! Congratulations on your finalist! #7969263Linda L. Ruiz September 23, 2009
I just knew it. Huge congrats. #7975713Susan M. Carter September 23, 2009
Extremely well done. Congrats! #7975753
Nancyj E. Hovey
September 23, 2009
Jean E. Hildebrant September 23, 2009
Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh!!! Look what you won, my friend!!! I'm sooooo excited for you!!! WooooooooHOOOOOOOOOOOO xoxoxoxoxxMelissa G. Meiselman September 23, 2009
Congratulations on this outstanding winner, Erika!!! #7975838Donna La Mattino Pagakis September 23, 2009
WTG Erika!!!! A HUGE CONGRATULATIONS on your BIG FIRST PLACE WIN!!!! I'm pleased!!! #7975872Amy JACKSON September 23, 2009
Congratulations! Wonderful image! #7976058
Les Rhoades
September 23, 2009
Courtenay Vanderbilt September 23, 2009
CONGRATULATIONS on this awesome Winner, Erika! #7976150
Linda D. Lester
September 23, 2009
A P September 23, 2009
Stunning!!! Congratulations! #7976483
Stefania Barbier
September 23, 2009
Jeffrey D. Estacio
September 23, 2009
Phyllis H. Burchett September 23, 2009
Congratulations on your WIN! #7977030Sam Britt September 23, 2009
Big Congrats on your first place win, Erika!! #7977036
Dr Silly
September 23, 2009
Susan M. Hembree September 23, 2009
It's gorgeous, Erika! Congratulations on your 1st place winner! #7977400
Evy Johansen
September 23, 2009
Kara L. Hendricks September 23, 2009
Nikki McDonald
September 23, 2009
Katarina Mansson September 23, 2009
I am extremely happy to be back here and say: Congratulations on your outstanidng and beautiful and creative and powerful WINNER! #7977948Renee Doyle September 24, 2009
Congratulations on this wonderful 1st place winner Erika!! #7978088
Usman M. Bajwa
September 24, 2009
UB. #7978202
Lisa J. Boulden
September 24, 2009
Mary Beth Aiello
September 24, 2009
Denny E. Barnes
September 24, 2009
Jeana Clark September 24, 2009
~J~ #7979709
Daniella Puente September 24, 2009
Congratulations on this wonderful winner Erika! #7979769
Lindley Johnson
September 24, 2009
Laurence Saliba
September 24, 2009
Nichon L. Thorstrom Smith September 24, 2009
Congratulations Erika, fantastic! #7980431Anne McKinnell September 24, 2009
Congratulations on your first place win Erika! I really love the colours and movement in your image. #7980791
Patrick Rouzes
September 24, 2009
Bill Houghton September 25, 2009
Erika, congratulations on your fabulous win. Have a great weekend, BillCheck out my website:
Bill Houghton Photography #7983747
Terry L. Ellis
September 25, 2009
Erica Murphy
September 25, 2009
Linda Blair September 27, 2009
Awesome 1st place win.......congratulations!!!!!!!! #7987534Mike Clime September 28, 2009
Congratulations on this great winner! #7991216Datha Y. Thompson September 30, 2009
WooooooooHoooooooooo Erika!!!!!Michelle L. Frick October 24, 2009
I'm so far behind, I'm just now looking at last month's winners, and WOW - this is AMAZING! LOVE the colors Erika!! #8069668Yulianto Soeroso December 09, 2009
wow #8205150Sign up for an interactive online photography course to get critiques on your photos.
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