Uploaded: May 06, 2005 07:12:54
Ya' gotta love watching the otters! : ) There are actually 3 of them here huddled up and swimming together. Taken through glass at the Cincinnati Zoo (of course!) Desaturated in ps8.
Gena A. Tussey May 06, 2005
Gotta tell you, I love this shot. I know how hard it is to capture them at any time with them swimming everywhere at once. But you did a marvelous job! #245605Marie Fields May 06, 2005
Thanks so much, Gena and Kevin (your comment came in on another page). Really appreciate your kind words! #1325252Kimberly J. Whipps May 06, 2005
Wonderful capture Marie. Otters are great too watch. #1325356Jessica McCollam May 06, 2005
Great capture, Marie! Love your work!:) #1325371Paul Michko May 06, 2005
Terrific image, Marie. #1325408Brian J. Mauritzen May 06, 2005
Great image, Marie! #1325547Lisa D. Greer May 06, 2005
This is great Marie! Thuroughly enjoyable image! :) #1325838Bobbie Davis May 06, 2005
Ohhhh so very cute Marie!! I love otters! Great job on this image! #1325960Judy A. Lawhon May 06, 2005
Marie...this shot is so cute....those little guys are always ready to play...just watching them lifts your spirits....I love this!! #1325997Stephanie Lyons May 06, 2005
LOVE this Marie! The composition, the sepia tone, the lighting, all superb! #1326874Jill A. Johnson May 07, 2005
Fantastic Work Marie!!!Jill :) #1327846
Jim Kinnunen
May 09, 2005
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