Daredevils [Adventure Photography ]
Uploaded: February 20, 2009 02:48:16
This is not my daughter, but this is her sport...daredevil or crazy?? LOL
Shot at Garden of the Gods, June 08.
Exif: F Number: 14, Exposure Bias Value: 0.00, ExposureTime: 1/100 seconds, Flash: did not fire, compulsory flash mode, ISO: 100, White balance: Auto white balance, FocalLength: 47.00 mm, Model: Canon EOS 30D
Carolyn M. Fletcher
February 20, 2009
Dominick M. Dimacale
February 20, 2009
Dominick #7186061
Tommy E. Burgess February 20, 2009
QA few years ago I would say dare devil because I was like that also. Now that I had the realization I'm mortal I'll have to go with crazy. The garden if the Gods is so beautiful and in this case the people really add perspective. Well done Deb!! #7186066Erin Appelbaum February 20, 2009
Great capture Deb. Awesome clarity and color. Crazy!! Peter #7186091Douglas Pignet February 20, 2009
What a beautiful landscape you found here Deb. Great pov & comp and the colors wow,very nice,Doug #7186135Bill Wyatt February 20, 2009
Impressive climbing cliff with great details and colors!! #7186164
Tammy M. Anderson
February 20, 2009
Wally Orlowsky February 20, 2009
Great capture, Deb! The classification depends on whether they were well prepared and skilled in climbing - for me it would be suicidal ... climbing stairs is all the adventure I need ;) #7186230Vitor Dias February 20, 2009
Wonderful capture Deb, just great congts.rgs Vitor #7186246
Claudia Kuhn
February 20, 2009
Monnie Ryan February 20, 2009
It's certainly not something I'd try -- I prefer my hiking to be on relatively level ground! Interesting, well composed photo, though! #7186293
Agnes Fegan
February 20, 2009
Gina Cormier February 20, 2009
Awesome clarity, color and comp. Beautiful image!! #7186343
Linda D. Lester
February 20, 2009
Robert R. Goodman February 20, 2009
LOL!!If she rock climbing,she would love out here.We have nothing but rocks.Beautiful capture,Deb!!!!! #7186787Linda Blair February 20, 2009
Fantastic capture!!!!! #7186910
Anne M. Young
February 20, 2009
William C. Raco
February 20, 2009
Bojan Bencic
February 20, 2009
David Phalen February 20, 2009
Excellent light, colors and details here Deb!! I bet it is a real rush. Forty years ago I( would have loved to try. :) #7187601Mike Clime February 20, 2009
Nice capture and detail! At my age I would say crazy. #7187920Carol L. Fowler February 20, 2009
Its a great sport! She should keep at it while she can. #7187963Ron McEwan February 20, 2009
I can't say to much, since I have been known to do some crazy things in my younger life. The people add perspective to the image. Well done. #7188684Janet Daniel February 20, 2009
I wish I was young enough to do it! LOL This is an outstanding capture, Deb! Excellent color, detail, & lighting! #7189059Lynne Morris February 21, 2009
Wow it gives me goosebumps just looking at it Deb, definately crazy! This is a fantastic capture with great colours and light. #7189572MELODIE C. ROBERTS February 21, 2009
It Gives Me Vertigo!Fantastic Whack~A~Doodle!
Great Lighting Details and Colors The People are a Bonus! #7189732
Ray Thoms February 21, 2009
I think you have to be a little of both....great image! #7189900Melissa Olsen February 21, 2009
I have been in the same spot where you captured this lovely image. And you want to know something...add 2x the height of that rock and you will have the size of a rapel I did several years ago...I think, NO, I know I was crazy...it was a 300' physical elevator ride of pure craziness. #7190501A P February 21, 2009
A little bit or BOTH as you have to be a little crazy to be a dare devil LOLOL.Outstanding capture and the people give your capture a sense of scale. #7190899
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