He Gets It

Uploaded: August 27, 2008 08:32:10


1/60 at f/6.3; Lens 135; ISO 200; Hand Held; Natural Light

I was on a photo walk through Chicago when I found myself in Millennium Park. I took a few moments to take in the activity around me when I saw this scene unfolding before me. I quickly brought camera to eye, composed, and made this exposure, capturing not only the kid getting soaked by the fountain, but also the young child getting the joke.

Exif: F Number: 6.3, Exposure Bias Value: 0.00, ExposureTime: 1/60 seconds, Flash: did not fire, compulsory flash mode, ISO: 200, White balance: Auto white balance, FocalLength: 135.00 mm, Model: Canon EOS 40D


Datha Y. Thompson August 27, 2008

LOVE IT John!!!!!! Winner!!!!!!! #987324

John Caruso August 27, 2008

Wow, thanks Datha! #6375977

Vicki L. Filippin August 27, 2008

I LOVE shots like this, John! You did a great job of capturing another Chicago icon!
Well done, my friend! #6375985

Dr Silly level-classic August 27, 2008

Wonderful fun capture. :O)

Dominick M. Dimacale level-addict August 27, 2008

Great image and capture here, John.

Dominick #6376164

Kara L. Hendricks August 27, 2008

This HAS to be a winner John!! Superb timing!!! #6376253

Donna La Mattino Pagakis August 27, 2008

Outstanding image, well seen and captured John. A real story teller! #6376384

Mitch Spence level-classic August 27, 2008

A superb shot, John--the capture of these reactions perfectly, the composition, the details. Just wonderful. #6376602

John Caruso August 27, 2008

I am overwhelmed with your kind words! Thanks so much Vicki, Doc, Dominick, Kara, Donna, and Mitch! #6376645

Deon August 27, 2008

Excellent work here John. I am sure we will see this again. Winner for sure. #6376652

John Caruso August 27, 2008

Thank you very much Deon! #6376689

KARU WIJESUNDARA. A.N.P.A.S. August 27, 2008



KARU. #6376872

John Caruso August 27, 2008

I thank you Karu! #6376968

Jean E. Hildebrant August 27, 2008

Very cool!!! Love that mural/fountain and the children are priceless :-) #6377513

John Caruso August 27, 2008

Thanks Jean! I'm so glad you connected with it! #6377532

Nikki McDonald level-classic August 27, 2008

Cool capture, John. It may be a Chicago icon but to those of us who do not know your city, this is a wonderfully fresh backdrop for some great action -- and reactions. Nicely done. #6377666

Gena L. Talbot August 27, 2008

WOW...this is Sooo Neat! :)
Fantastic capture John! #6377931

Kate Baumgartner August 27, 2008

Well seen and composed. Absolutely fantastic image. #6378068

Bonnie C. Lackey level-classic August 27, 2008

What a great catch! Millenium Park was always a favorite place of mine when I lived in the area. #6378112

John Caruso August 27, 2008

Thank you so very much Nikki, Gena, Kate, and Bonnie! I truly appreciate hearing from you! #6378401

Stephanie Frey level-classic August 27, 2008

Great timing, John! A great image! #6378569

Susan M. Hembree August 27, 2008

It's a great capture, John! Wonderful lighting, color, and overall perspective! #6379027

John Caruso August 28, 2008

Thanks for your kind words Stephanie and Susan! #6380109

Daniella Puente September 01, 2008

Spectacular photo +++++ #6396300

John Caruso September 01, 2008

Thanks so very much Daniella! #6396430

Katarina Mansson September 16, 2008

Perfect capture of a fun moment. Lots of action and joy; I love it! #6461305

John Caruso September 16, 2008

Why thank you Katarina! #6461563

Kara L. Hendricks September 22, 2008

John I really love this shot... Congratulations and best of luck.. I hope it goes all the way! #6489771

Donna La Mattino Pagakis September 22, 2008

You know I love this John, it was an instant favorite!! Congratulations on your finalist! #6489841

John Caruso September 22, 2008

Thanks so much Kara, that means a lot to me!

And thanks to you, too, Donna! I've appreciated your support from the get-go! #6489923

Mitch Spence level-classic September 22, 2008

Of course it's a finalist. It's absolutely marvelous. :) #6489979

Leslie McLain level-classic September 22, 2008

Congrats on your wonderful finalist. #6490011

John Caruso September 22, 2008

Thanks so very much Mitch and Leslie! #6490722

Elida Gutierrez level-classic September 22, 2008

Congratulations on your FINALIST!!! #6490746

Michelle L. Frick September 22, 2008

Congratulations John - this is an incredible finalist!! Perfect timing and comp! #6490959

Katarina Mansson September 22, 2008

YES! Congrats John! #6490971

Gena L. Talbot September 22, 2008

Congratulations John... One of my FAVORITES!!! Well deserved on this fantastic image! WTG :) :) #6491541

John Caruso September 22, 2008

Wow! Consider my hat tipped in thanks to you Elida, Shell, Katarina, and Gena! #6491649

Susie Peek-Swint September 22, 2008

Perfect timing on this fantastic capture John ~ many congrats on your finalist! #6492325

John Caruso September 22, 2008

Thanks so very much Susie! #6492569

Susan Fox September 22, 2008

A big congrats on your finalist John! #6492694

John Caruso September 22, 2008

A big thank you to you, Susan! #6492726

Nikki McDonald level-classic September 22, 2008

Congratulations on this superb finalist, John, and good luck in the next round. #6492727

John Caruso September 22, 2008

Thank a million, Nikki! #6492733

Michael Umbreit September 22, 2008

John - Congratulations! - Mike #6493862

Patrick Rouzes level-classic September 22, 2008

Congratulations on this amazing finalist,John!!! #6493943

Erica Murphy level-classic September 22, 2008

Great shot!! Congratulations!! #6494779

Datha Y. Thompson September 22, 2008

No suprise here John!!!!!!!! L O V E this and I so hope it gets GOLD!!!!
Congratulations :0) WTG #6495307

Corinne M. Thompson September 22, 2008

Fabulous capture John! Congrats on your Finalist! #6496107

Anna Diederich September 23, 2008

Excellent timing! Congratulations on your finalist! #6497091

Vicki L. Filippin September 23, 2008

And the judges "get it", too.
THRILLED to see this get a finalist. Crossing fingers for the gold, my friend! #6497699

John Caruso September 23, 2008

Thank you all so very, very much! I truly appreciate all your kind words! #6497704

Daniella Puente September 23, 2008


Bob Cournoyer level-classic September 23, 2008

Way to go Gold, John!!!!!! #6500784

Judy V. Kennamer level-classic September 23, 2008

Just too cute John!!! Congrats on your GOLD!! #6500981

Nikki McDonald level-classic September 23, 2008

Well maybe you didn't expect it, but we all were hoping. Congratulations on the gold, John. #6501080

Stephanie Frey level-classic September 23, 2008

Congratulations on your well-deserved Winner! #6501399

Pat Gamwell September 23, 2008

This is sooooo awesome, John! Well deserved win! #6501614

Anna Diederich September 23, 2008

Congratulations on this fabulous win, John! #6501924

Donna La Mattino Pagakis September 23, 2008

Congratulations John!!! Very cool!!! #6502007

John Caruso September 23, 2008

Thank you, thank you, thank you for your outpouring of support! It really means a lot to me! #6502252

Nadya Johnson September 24, 2008

What a cool capture! Congratulations, John! #6503411

Kate Jackson September 24, 2008

Absolutely brilliant John! Congrats big time! #6503539

Katarina Mansson September 24, 2008

YES!!! Congratulations on your 2nd place John! #6503895

John Caruso September 24, 2008

A great big "thank you" to you Nadya, Kate, and Katarina! #6504380

Vicki L. Filippin September 24, 2008

It's an honor to lose to such an amazing image, John.
Big ol' Chicagoland Congratulations, my friend! #6505052

Elida Gutierrez level-classic September 24, 2008


 "The Golden Thophy"

A Special Trophy for

"August Winners"




Gary Lange September 24, 2008

Many congrats!!! #6505187

John Caruso September 24, 2008

I tip my hat in thanks you you Vicki, Elida, and Gary! #6505217

John Caruso September 24, 2008

I appreciate it Christine! #6505395

Sandy Powers September 24, 2008

What a fabulous. . .FABULOUS photo! Of coooourse it won! If it were me choosing, I think this one might be the grand prize winner -- or at least first place :) CONGRATULATIONS! #6505452

Mitch Spence level-classic September 24, 2008

Congratulations on the gold, John, and on this wonderful image. #6505520

Gena L. Talbot September 24, 2008

C*O*N*G*R*A*T*U*L*A*T*I*O*N*S JOHN!!!!

Such a well deserved win on this outstanding image!!! I LOVE IT :)
WTG John, I am so happy for you :) #6505555

John Caruso September 24, 2008

Thanks Sandy! I should put you on the pay-roll!

And thanks to you, too, Mitch and Gena. It's such a delight to hear from you both! #6505703

Susan Fox September 24, 2008

Congratulations on your win John! #6505929

John Caruso September 24, 2008

Thank you Susan! #6506053

Marilyn K. Lincecum level-classic September 24, 2008

Great image..gorgeous colors!! Congratulations on your Second Place win !! #6506576

John Caruso September 24, 2008

Thanks for taking a look, Marilyn! #6506683

Sylvia Rossler September 24, 2008

Big congrats on your awesome winner John :O)Happy to see my favourite of yours win :o) #6506979

John Caruso September 24, 2008

Thanks Sylvia! #6507018

Robert Baer September 24, 2008

what a fantastic image. I love it!!! congrats on your win!!!!!!!!!! #6507525

Michael Umbreit September 24, 2008

John - Glad to see that this made it to the winners circle! :) - Mike #6508322

John Caruso September 25, 2008

Thanks a million Justin and Mike! #6509998

Wally Orlowsky September 26, 2008

Congratulations on this well seen and captured winner, John! #6514250

John Caruso September 26, 2008

You're a gem, Wally! Thanks! #6514980

Chris Budny level-deluxe September 27, 2008

Congratulations, John, on your win! I've been building up many Amtrak travel points, and I hope to spend them on another Chicago visit, perhaps in spring '09... seeya then! #6521023

Dominick M. Dimacale level-addict September 27, 2008

Congratulations John on your Win.

Dominick #6522039

John Caruso September 29, 2008

Thanks so much, Chris! It's great to hear from you again...and you have to make sure to let me know when you roll into town.

Thanks to you, too, Dominick! I always appreciate hearing from you! #6527119

Linda Blair September 29, 2008

Fabulous.....congratulations!!!!! #6527304

John Caruso September 29, 2008

Thanks a million, Linda! #6527767

Michael S. Baker September 29, 2008

Excellent shot, John....CONGRATULATIONS!!!
Mike B- #6530211

John Caruso September 30, 2008

Thanks Mike! I always appreciate hearing from you. #6532111

Kathy L. Clark October 01, 2008

Congrats John on an absolutely fabulous winner. #6540718

John Caruso October 02, 2008

Thanks a bunch, Kathy! #6542654

Jeffrey D. Estacio level-classic October 02, 2008

nice catch. congratulations. #6545078

John Caruso October 03, 2008

I appreciate your very kind words, Jeffrey! #6547077

Philippe Vieux-Jeanton October 03, 2008

Great image.. Congratulations John!! #6548192

John Caruso October 03, 2008

I thank you so very much Philippe! #6548988

Michelle R. Kovach October 17, 2008

Congratulations John! Looks good on the BP homepage when I logged in tonight. ;) #6616376

John Caruso October 18, 2008

Thanks Michelle! I still haven't seen it up there yet, so I'm glad you did. #6617999

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BetterPhoto.com Photo Contest SECOND PLACE Winner

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